Friday, October 20, 2006

Guess what Jessica... I made my decision. Sorry it took so long, but I didn't want to actually come out and tell you until I was ABSOLUTELY sure. Now I am. I'm your Surrogate mother. Now you may get excited my dear. The being wavery is over.

I love you jess!

Btw I was thinking if you are still thinking about that same first name... I think your middle name would sound better than mine... just think about it!

Monday, October 09, 2006

last week

my belly button is trying to come out...

today... i don't look too good b/c my makeup at Chris's house so i had to use my moms... and my hair just didn't want to work with me today... oh well i know yall have been dying for an entry...
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Monday, October 02, 2006

I want a 4-D untrasound... but for now this will do.

^^^^ that little thing all by itself in the dark is the heart... ^^^^