Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Chris went Golfing with my dad, brother-in-law, and nephew!
The matching was an accident!

Monday, September 27, 2010


I love having my parents and sister here!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Amy and Kayla.

Today Amy and Kayla came over to meet Bear!

Friday, September 24, 2010

1st Doctor's apt.

Today we realized that Gray is allergic to milk. :(

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Coming Home.

The kids!
Welcome Home and Happy Birthday to me!
First Car ride!

Monday, September 20, 2010

He is Here!

Grayson Jeffrey
Born at 10:05pm, after only a push and a half.
7 lbs 2 oz and 19.5 inches.
He has 2 dimples and looks tons like Lily (and has her attitude), but he has Austin's lower lip and big round head. He is little, and adorable, and perfect.

Grayson Jeffrey O'Neal

Update 9:10pm

They came and checked her, and they are going to give her another 30 minutes.

Update 8:50pm

Update by Emily:
Lily and Austin came over to the hospital, but bedtime came before Grayson, so they went home. I guess they will see the baby in the morning. It will be fun to wake up to a new baby brother. Amy is now dilated to a 10 and on oxygen to help the baby's heart rate. They say she'll be able to start pushing in about a half hour.

Here is Amy as they are breaking her water:
Austin getting a last cuddle before Grayson comes:

Waiting in the hall
Kennedy (Chris's NCO) and Austin:
Lily looking ADORABLE:
Amy on oxygen, and her nurse, Monique. SO CLOSE!!!
Grandma updating...
Nearly a 7. Epidural in. Blood pressure dropped sharply, finally under control. Hunger pains mixed with nausea. Grayson will be here soon...the doctor is staying close!

Now Amy update...
I feel horiible. Mom doesn't get it.


I'm having a contraction! Kennedy, Chris's NCO/friend is here visiting.

Guess what?

Yup I'm in the hospital. Grayson is on his way!

Grayson Jeffrey O'Neal

He's born!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Today was a great day! We went to lunch With Chris's dad and Karen. They got me a new and really nice framed Audrey Hepburn picture! Then we went to Garden Ridge and I got a few more fall decorations! I came home and decorated. And the rest of the day I spent playing games with my family.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Flowers from Lily.

Today my sister and Dad came into town, so Chris and Lily took a trip to Sams Club to get TONS AND TONS of waters. We drink a lot in our house! Anyway while out Lily asked Chris if she could buy me flowers. She is such a sweetheart!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Date Night.

Today was a great day, but the night was AMAZING! Chris and I went out on a date since it'll be the last time we can be alone for awhile. So we went to Pappadeaux for dinner, the we went to the mall for pedicures/manicures, then went to the fair for not long at all. We actually went on our date in Chris's truck, which was a lot of fun! I had never been in it before. Great night overall!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rest Day.

Lily was cute all day today! We all relaxed all day. This is Lily's new thing... pretending to be asleep.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Baby Prep.

Today we disinfected all the baby seats, toys, etc. I can finally see everything coming together in preparation for Gray's birth. Now we just need GRAYSON!

Also I had an obgyn apt... no change.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mom comes to STAY!

Today my mom moved all of her stuff from Nat's to my house. She set up her room in my basement and cleaned A LOT!! I love having my mom around! And so do Chris and the kids!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Baby Lily.

Today Lily was ADORABLE!!! During naptime she asked me to hold her like a baby. She let me rock her to sleep. It was so sweet. She told me She was "Baby Lily" not "Baby Grayson" lol. Too cute!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just a cute video.

Lily wanted me to take a video of her dancing, but Austin thought I was taking a picture. This is how he is everytime I take the camera out lol.
Sorry for the bad quality, my Flip broke awhile back. I miss it. :(

Homemade Caramel.

Today was a fun day. I love spending days at Natalie's... especially when my mom is visiting! Today my mom taught us how to make homemade soft caramels! YUM!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Today was both relaxing and frustrating! I woke up and Chris made me cinnamon sugar toast and chocolate milk for breakfast. We had Macintosh candles going and the house was cool. It felt like a fall morning and very nice! Then later that day I started my quest to induce labor naturally. I tried everything... I MEAN EVERYTHING> And of course nothing worked. I guess my body is just not ready. It's just so stressful wanting him to be born before my birthday! Oh well.

Also today is September 11th so I hope everyone took the time to remember 9 years ago!!
I remember my mom waking me up to watch the news. She did that all the time so I didn't really take it seriously. Then I went to school and everyone was talking about it. Now that I'm older I can see how important that day really was, but back then my mind was just not there yet.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Org Day.

Today was a fun. It was Organization Day at Ft. McPherson. Usually that's a day where everyone gets together to play sports, play games, and eat food. We mostly just ate and hung out. Lily enjoyed it.
Afterwards we went to the mall (to walk) and the kids had a blast playing in the little play area. Lily was actually very outgoing and she and Austin played very well together!Then we went to Room To Go Kids and Chris and I fell in love with these bunk beds. They're the ones we are planning on getting!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Yellow Daisy Festival.

Today we went to the Yellow Daisy Festival at Stone Mountain. It's just a bunch of shops and A LOT of walking! And since I'm trying to get a baby out of me, walking is always a good plan. I didn't buy anything, but it was a good day spent with my mom, sister, and our kids!

This picture is us resting after getting there because we parked so far away lol.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Princess Girls.

Today I had an obgyn apt, so My mom and Kenzie came over to play! Their favorite thing to do is play dress up. They always argue about who's the princess, who's the fairy, etc. But they are so cute! I love how girlie they are and how they love to dance!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010


This morning was SOOO cold in our house (probably because I had the AC on lol)! I loved it! We all put on big hoodies and enjoyed the cold air! I wore Chris's hoodie and the kids wore mine. They looked so cute and loved wearing them! We all ate warm poptarts and chocolate milk for breakfast and watched a movie. Fall is just around the corner and I'm so excited!

Baby Shower!

I had an amazing baby shower!! My sister's threw it for me and it was gorgeous! We all had a great time! I just loved it!!