Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Obama 2012

Today I voted for the first time, for Romney!  I was so excited for him to be our new president, I had high hopes for this country.  And I voted no on legalizing pot in Colorado.  Nope, Obama is our present for another 4 years, and Pot is legal.  All I'm saying is it's time to repent, read the bible, and start preparing for the end.  I'm just really disappointed in America and scared for it's future.  But things have to and will go as God has plans and so I'm expecting the future to be a pretty unpleasant place, but I'm glad I'll have the comfort of knows the joyous days that will follow.  It may happen in my lifetime or maybe 5 generations from now, but I feel like we're heading in that direction now. :(

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Yesterday's session

Last night's session made me super happy, here's a few. :)

Press on photos to make larger. :)

Friday, November 02, 2012


I'm going to be doing a lot of older posts, you probably won't notice since they'll be on the dates they belong on, but just a heads up. :)

Book of Mormon

I never updated!  The night before my 24th birthday (September 21st 2012), I finished!  It was amazing, amazing night, and the beginning of an amazing year.  I love Heavenly Father and all the blessings and trials in my life!  I love belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ, where no doctrine changes and everything is just wholesome and good!  I feel very blessed.


Halloween was fun this year!  We went Trunk-or-Treating twice, went to a cookie decorating play date at our friend, Maggie's, and then went Trick-or-Treating with Maggie.  The kids had a great year!  Lily was Audrey Hepburn, Gray was a Lion, and Claire was an Elephant.  We definitely missed Austin a lot of this Halloween.  I posted a picture of Halloween 2010 up on Facebook and probably looked at it 100000 times.  He's just so sweet and I miss him.  Chris was awesome, while I took Lily and Grayson Trick-or-Treating, he stayed home with Claire, passed out candy, AND my business card!  So sweet. :)