I know I don't know much yet, and I'm really not in a place right now where I care to teach my people my religion in hopes that their heart will be open to it, but it was fun anyway. :)
K (status)-
So I am reading up on the presidential candidates, yeah I am seeing either way we are screwed. Just did some research on mormonism and no offense to anyone who is a mormon, but wow. Just wow lol.
Mormonism is faulty as opposed to what?
Just doesn't make sense that if they are christians & believe in the old & new testaments...which don't say anything about an angel coming to earth and giving an earthy man hidden plates. Doesn't go along with what the bible says. It just sounds kinda crazy that all these people belive it. The plates were taken back to heaven...idk just wack. The bible is very long and detailed, God would not have let out something so very important
In my opinion, all the extra things "christain" religions have added to the bible are non sense. I don't believe in all the dominations, if you are a christian just go by the bible. No need to add/take away.
It seems to be just as plausible as any other religion, in my opinion. But I guess that is where a believer's sanction of faith comes into play. As you may know, the King Jame's version of the bible had sections selected and others rejected for the "official" KJV. I think that kind of adulteration warrants just as much suspicion as the book of mormom?
Yeah, I mean I get your point. But considering they went by the bible, how can they believe some guy found this and just believe it even though going by the bible there would be no such thing.
It's not too hard to believe. People fall into differing paradigms all the time. Just look at Scientology.
So I am not Mormon but Amy is, so I have some first hand on the Mormon side of things. I was also raised Southern Baptist. With that said the KJV of the bible is false in complete and misinterpreted to such an extent that all churches now will say before a sermon that this is the preachers interpretation of seeing things. Mormons before they were know as Mormons were basically old Christians dating back to before the crucifixion. Joseph Smith ( the guy reading the gold plates) was for told in the old/new testaments. Most Christians who say one thing or another is not in the bible have never read the bible front to back. So watch who your source is on certain things. I will say i do not believe in the LDS church but I have seen the inside of how they work and the type of community they promote. Based on this firsthand knowledge I have to say LDS members are more giving and humble than any other church I have yet to attend. So if you are wondering if morally Romney is fit to be president, I wouldn't worry he believes in the same God you do and the same books
Also the Book of Mormon is another witness of Christ, it doesn't take anything away from the Bible. And I don't want to start a debate or anything but if god gave prophets to people in the older days why wouldn't we have prophets? He doesn't ever change. He is perfect.
Okay I found it in the Bible...
Ezekiel 37:15–20
"The stick or record of Judah—the Old Testament and the New Testament—and the stick or record of Ephraim—the Book of Mormon, which is another testament of Jesus Christ are one in our hands. Ezekiel’s prophecy now stands fulfilled”
Me (again lol) -
And you have to remember in the ancient days 30 books were taken out of the bible by man and those contained very important truths and they had a meeting I guess you'd say a long time ago where a bunch of Christains came together and got rid of or retranslated the bible so they all agreed on how it should be and that's ridiculous, because the Bible isn't a book of man and their wants, it's a book of GOD and his wants. People shouldn't retranslate anything. Sorry for all these posts lol. I'm a little attached to my religion. ;)
Anyway now that you know, try not to vote just on religion since most are so diluted or weird or begin with. Try to look at the type of person the candidate is and and his failures and successes. At the very least look at Romney's fiscal record in businesses he takes businesses who are failing and turns them around. Now to me that sounds like experience our entire country needs.
I know things get twisted, and I dont believe anything I hear. That is why I researched it. And I dont dislike anyone bc of their beliefs. Just dont agree always.
And I wasnt saying that was my reason on voting...but I think a president will be a big part of the end of times.
(^which I do agree with)
Amy, I am looking it up now...kinda weird I opened my bible up and it was right at ezekiel.
Ok after reading, I took that as making the old testament & new on book. Not separate. But it definetly is interesting. New topic for me & my gma :)
Most Christains think that, but back in the day that ezekiel was writing, people wrote on scroll which when rolled up resemble "Sticks" It mentions the house of Judah(Jews- the record is what we know of as the bible today), and the stick of Joseph. In the Book of Mormon Lehi's descendants were of the lineage of Joseph, hence Stick of Joseph is the Book of Mormon.
It's one of those books that no matter what anyone says is something people have a hard time swallowing, especially if they were born and raised to only believe in the Bible. That's why in my church, they tell you to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if it's true (and if you do you will know). Don't rely on other people's testimonies in life, because it's really easy to fall away when you do that. I know, because I did most of my life lol.
It's one of those books that no matter what anyone says is something people have a hard time swallowing, especially if they were born and raised to only believe in the Bible. That's why in my church, they tell you to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if it's true (and if you do you will know). Don't rely on other people's testimonies in life, because it's really easy to fall away when you do that. I know, because I did most of my life lol.
Def don't think faith is a bad attribute even if I don't agree totally with it. It is a religion that has many followers. Actually have many cousins and an uncle and aunt. I'd say look at what each guy represents for me that's what I am looking at. Just look at everything realistically and don't by in to the hype. Trust your gut and good luck with your choice. Hope all is well.
...and that's it! I know nothing changed her thought towards my religion, but it was fun having an opportunity to defend it. :)