All I can say is, "AAAH! I LOVE the Gospel!" But seriously after listening to a talk about Sweeping the earth with his word, I got a little excited and decided to share a few religious thoughts that were on my mind. That turned into a 60 comment conversation with a lot of back and forth about our beliefs. I don't know what will happen with the people I was chatting with spiritually, but this conversation has changed ME!
I felt the spirit guide me so much throughout this. I'm very shy, especially when it comes to something I hold so dear to my hear-- my testimony, but I took that step of faith forward anyway and I am SO happy I did! I feel more confident than ever that not only do I want to share the Gospel of Jesus Chris with others, but I want to share it with EVERYONE! I almost feel sad that the conversation ended, because my heart and mind still has so much to say! My heart just feels so full of love, and my conversion is even deeper now! Sometimes, even when you're shy, you need to be brave anyone and do what Heavenly Father wants you to do. That is something I always struggle with, because I hate contention, I'm very passive aggressive and hate to upset others, but I held strong to what I know to be true, and I'm ecstatic! I'm definitely going to blog a lot more!
Anyway, here's the whole conversation. Obviously my knowledge isn't as in depth and wide and some of the other commenters, but I did share my testimony, so I guess that's all that truly matters. :)
Cidney Scott I absolutely believe that the church in our day
has completely perverted the words of God, but the bible is clear in what it
states as far as it being the only thing needed to understand God. I read the
bible and only the bible and don't need anything else to make it make sense.
God stated everything very clearly and it is man that has tried to use His own
words against Him. I'm just curious, and only because you openly asked for
people who were truly curious and I am! (I am NOT looking for a fight but
rather your side of this story), why you believe we need another book to
understand the bible?
November 11 at 2:00pm · Like
Amy Bush O'Neal Because of these things being taken out, we
HAVE stumbled! His prophecy has come true. There are many churches who choose
what to believe and have "changed" God overtime. I believe God knew
that those parts would be taken so in his infinite wisdom he also provided a
stick of Joseph (Ephram 37) that would be restored in the latter days.
Basically, the Bible was all you needed, it contained all the plain and
precious truths, but God knew that through the gift of free agency his gospel
would be changed. He is Merciful! So he provided a way for us to get those
precious parts back so we wouldn't have to stumble in confusion our whole
lives! We also believe in personal revelation and I would like to challenge you
to study and pray about these things!!
November 11 at 2:34pm · Like · 3
Cidney Scott I am constantly studying and praying but the
bible is very clear in what it means. It's people with an agenda that use
certain words to make sense of their life and I absolutely agree with you that
that's wrong and they have completely missed it! The most common books that
were twisted were the books Paul wrote and he even warned those reading that
people would take them out of context but I full heartedly believe with prayer
and seeking of the Spirit that you do not need any other book or mans teachings
to teach you the word. But I am curious who decided that this "Stick of
Joseph" got any authority to speak on God's behalf and speak of prophecies
on his behalf as well, cause I'm assuming and please correct me if I'm wrong,
that that's how he has some "authority".
November 11 at 3:15pm · Like
Sabrina D Lecumberry I have missed your blog posts!
Especially those about your faith! You and another friend of mine have led me
to explore my own faith and I am challenging myself to read the entire Bible.
November 11 at 3:17pm · Unlike · 1
Cidney Scott And I agree Sabrina! It makes me really dig in
my own faith as well! It's so refreshing talking with someone who isn't
defenaive about their faith and instead so open! It helps me figure out why I
believe what I believe and hopefully challenge not only myself but those in
conversing with! It's so biblical! It's awesome!!
November 11 at 3:22pm · Unlike · 2
Amy Bush O'Neal I really appreciate your thoughts And beliefs
Cidney!! Through my own searching and personal revelation through the Holy
Ghost I would like to share my testimony that I know that the gospel is true
and I have no doubt it my heart. I have a very close relationship with my
Heavenly Father and he guides me daily. I know that if you seek out the
missionaries and listen to what they have to say with an open heart and mind,
you will be able to feel the same spirit I have within me as I write this. I
know that Through Jesus's atonement we can all be saved, he loves us so much
and wants us to know HIM as he knows each of us. I truly believe that. I love
chatting about this with y'all! I tell everyone that religious conversation are
by far my favorite! They make my heart so happy!! I love that we all feel so passionately
about God and try to put him in the center of our being!! How blessed are we!!
November 11 at 3:31pm · Like · 2
Amy Bush O'Neal Sabrina, I'm going to blog more! I really
enjoy it!! Thank you so much for all your thoughts and comments over the years!!
You are the best!
November 11 at 3:32pm · Like · 1
Sabrina D Lecumberry You have always been a friend and
inspiration Amy! Even when you don't realize it I truly believe God has done so
much good work and touched so many lives through you!
November 11 at 3:34pm · Unlike · 1
Amy Bush O'Neal Cidney your religion was very interesting
btw! I loved your wedding and feel like the way you live is amazing!! I am very
impressed with you and how you live your beliefs!!!
November 11 at 3:40pm · Like
Amy Bush O'Neal Sabrina thank you so much!!! You have no
idea what you said means to me!!
November 11 at 3:41pm · Like · 1
Sabrina D Lecumberry Just know it's the truth Amy!!!
November 11 at 6:56pm · Like
Joshua Wiley Sims So when Jesus said, "I am the way the
truth and the life, no man can know God but through me" did he forget
about Joseph Smith's later gospel? To say that Smith's gospel is necessary is
to make Jesus a liar. If salvation can only be found in Jesus' sacrifice, to
what end are these extra truths? When people asked Jesus and the subsequent
apostles "what must I do to be saved?" I'm sure the Book of Mormon
wasn't mentioned. So, if that is the case, the Book of Mormon is extraneous and
at best a lesser gospel if gospel at all, or all those born and died before
Joseph Smith was kind enough to pen the real words of salvation, have been
extinguished into the void of not having enough truth to know true salvation.
Not being a troll, just curious. You claimed it was so
simple and implied a lot, but it sounds like you were just regurgitating your
book and not actually having a real opinion of your own.
November 12 at 7:23am · Like
Amy Bush O'Neal Yeah I wanted to quote scripture a lot
because it's through my studying that I found these truths. Your question and
its history is specifically addressed here, please read and let me know what
you think!!
This isn't Joseph Smith's Gospel, it's Jesus's, Joseph Smith
was just a humbled confused 14 year old boy who didn't know which church to
join and acquired of the Lord.
Restoration of Christ's Gospel From Christian Dark Ages |
Our Heavenly Father has restored the fulness of His...
November 12 at 7:58am · Edited · Like · 1 · Remove Preview
Joshua Wiley Sims And I can post 10 links in contrary. What
do you believe? It's easy to hide behind doctrine and web links.
November 12 at 8:02am · Like
Brittany Goodyear Amy, thank you for sharing your testimony.
It is a great example to me. And thank you for this conversation. It's very
open and not argumentative. I have my own testimony of the Gospel and of Joseph
Smith's words. We don't follow Joseph Smith as a Savior, but as a prophet. What
he taught is in the Bible. The Book of Mormon is just another testament of
Jesus Christ and His teachings. It teaches of faith, prayer, charity, and about
Jesus Christ, His atonement and His resurrection. I have read The Book of
Mormon and The Bible. I know these works are true. I know Joseph Smith helped
restore the Gospel in full and I know that through Jesus Christ we can live
with our Heavenly Father again. I know this through my own study and prayer and
through the Holy Ghost. And I know that no matter what religion we are, our
Heavenly Father knows and loves us and will answer the questions we have. It
may not be by showing Himself to us as He did to Joseph Smith, but He will
answer us when we sincerely ask.
November 12 at 8:48am · Edited · Unlike · 1
Amy Bush O'Neal Let me reply to you in a few hours after I
wake up a little more lol, that is a big question for 8 am, especially while
I'm trying to get my crazy kids ready for the day lol!
November 12 at 8:39am · Like
Brittany Goodyear (Sorry, hit 'enter' early and didn't
finish my thoughts. Thoughts have been edited above.)
November 12 at 8:48am · Like
Amy Bush O'Neal I love your testimony Brittany!! I
completely agree! Man it's early! I'm SO not a morning person lol. Noon is a
better time for me.
But I do want to say that questions are great!! Heavenly
Father loves it when we have questions and wants us to ask him with an open
heart and mind! When I was younger I did not believe in the church, or really
any church, or even God for awhile. I floated around to different denominations
and after awhile quit going all together. I didn't find my testimony until I
started asking questions! I can share my believes all day long but at the end
of the day it comes down to where your heart is, if you truly want to know, God
WILL show you his way. If you're looking to cause controversy then that's what
you'll find. I truly wish you'd check out that link above and ask specific
questions, asking what I believe is just so vague and there's just so much. I
can and will share what I believe, but it will be a long post lol!
November 12 at 9:00am · Like · 1
Joshua Wiley Sims So your faith is explicitly existential,
"I know because I know" . . . I find it funny that the Bible
expressly says that false teachers and people will come along to add to the
teachings, and you guys even claim that already happened after the original 12
Apostles, but somehow Joseph Smith is excused from that because you happen to
believe that his was divine and all the others weren't . . . not sure how that
can be derived.
Also, Smith is in the line of "new apostles" who's
line can be traced back to Jesus . . . how come it was only in modern times, in
1979 that God finally revealed that Black people world wide were allowed to be
a real part of your church. Was God's plan for all people of color to not be
saved previous to this divine revelation? I don't buy into it at all . . . is
God's grace not for everyone? What about the Ethiopian that asked Philip
"what is preventing me from believing and being baptized?" Why was
Smith not given this material 150 years prior? Was Smith's interpretation of
God slightly racist back then?
Consider me agnostic at best, I'm not sure how any of this
can be real. My mind just wonders way too much.
November 12 at 9:20am · Like
Amy Bush O'Neal To answer those specific questions, YES I
know because I know!! And because I have acquired of the Lord and through the
Holy Ghost he has given me that knowledge! I know it sounds lame, but I truly
hope that one day you will know too!! My husband and I were both agnostic at
best for years and you should see us now!! The spirit can change a persons very
You're right the bible talks a lot about false prophets.
Those people didn't have the authority, and had too much pride to acquire of
the Lord. Joseph Smith was given that priesthood authority talked about
throughout the Bible. I know I probably sound repetitive, but we have been
taught to never blindly believe anything or anyone. Just because Joseph Smith
claimed to restore the Gospel of Jesus Christ does not mean we have to believe
him! We are supposed to find out for ourselves through humble prayer and faith
that that prayer will be answered! If Joe down the street claimed to be a
prophet, I would not believe him, he does not have those keys or authority! I
can get in deeper, but seriously, please let your mind wonder, learn, and pray!
The great thing about this gospel is that a lot of people who question things a
lot will find peace here, because you will find the answers you're looking for.
I truly hope that you'll invite the missionaries into your home one day and ask
them these questions, they have been set apart and have been given the gifts of
The Gospel is only on Earth when there are people on Earth
who are willing to believe. During the Great apostasy there was no one who
really wanted to know! They were comfortable in their sins or the beliefs they
were born into, or wanted to follow the religious fads. God answers prayers,
but he doesn't answer people who don't care to ask! I have a testimony of
prayer, but I know that unless I knock with humility and faith, the door will
not be opened to me…
As for the black issue, there IS a difference between the
gospel and the church. The Gospel IS perfect, the church has men who make
mistakes. Only Jesus, himself is perfect. God teaches line upon line and
precept upon precept. Even as Joseph translated the plates, he had to acquire
about what he was reading. Until the Prophet acquired about blacks having
priesthood, there was no questions to be answered! But once the question was
asked, the answer was given! Line upon line, precept upon precept! That's how I
learn too and am still learning! When I read something I don't understand, I
pray about it!!
I feel like my answers all revolve around faith and prayer
and that may seem repetitive, I'm sorry. I swear by this method lol! Oh and YES, God's Grace is for everyone!!
Even those in the past who didnt get the fullness of the gospel! If you're up
for it, I'd love to have you over so we can chat more maybe I'll invite the
missionaries, because they add a whole other level of knowledge. There so many
things I want to say, but typing it all out takes forever. The plan of
Salvation is amazing and definitely worth knowing!
November 12 at 10:08am · Edited · Like · 4
Joshua Wiley Sims So if the church is made up of men and
women who make mistakes, where does hope come from? Is there a chance that I
would go to church with you and it be full of mistakes or inaccuracies? If that's
the case, who/where do we get real hope from?
Because in my mind, the 4 Gospels and the teachings of Jesus
would be all we need. Meaning, there's a difference in translation accuracies
and transmission accuracies. Meaning, if you tried to reword my words when
telling this discussion to someone else, you can transmit the meaning
differently, but if you translate it from English to Spanish, the meaning stays
in tact. Which translation from Hebrew/Aramaic to English do you use when you
read the Bible? From the moment Jesus ascended to heaven, people have transmitted
the meaning and message of the gospels to fit all sorts of goals - truthful and
untruthful, but if I read the Hebrew / Aramaic translations to English, Jesus
through the Spirit can speak to me solely and very directly. If that Spirit is
unable to speak to me directly, and needs 2000 years later a "new"
gospel, that Spirit isn't worth following. What happens when I believe in the
teachings of Jesus as read in the Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but not the
Book of Mormon, can I hold onto the Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus spoke so often
I don't doubt that men and women can and do receive spirit
led guidance, but I highly doubt in the need for one catch all book that is the
rest of what God meant to tell us in the Bible. To place that revelation higher
than say Confessions by Augustine doesn't make sense, you can throw Spurgeon,
Martin Luther and a score of others in there too. All those men would be quick
to place their words of knowledge underneath the Bible, but Smith was arrogant
enough to place his of equal or greater importance - and because
"God" said I'm right is not any different that what Mohammed said
after his dreams and visions too.
November 12 at 10:21am · Like
Amy Bush O'Neal The spirit testifies to you no matter what
language, culture, or background you have. Whether you read in English, Hebrew,
or Arabic the spirit is the same. Just because you read in one language does
not mean you do not have claim upon the spirit of God.
The testimonies of the 4 gospels is fantastic. But because
the reasons for it to be translated or used, the testimony found in the BoM
needs to be there to confirm or change all the different perspectives of the
bible. To me if I had a passion to know more about my Lord, then I would want
to know all about him. Why cut your self short? We know so little about his
life. Yet what we do know can change everyone's life for ever.
Joseph Smith was a humble man and didn't think he was above
anyone, he was just the mouthpiece of the Lord. He knew through prophecy that
his name would be used for good and evil throughout this life. He went through
so much persecution throughout his life, so you really think he would go
through all those awful times for something he didn't truly believe in?? If I
was going to endure everything he endure, I personally would have to have a LOT
of faith and even some knowledge. I mean he was a kid! A not very educated one
at that! Book of Mormon is a divine work! I have read it cover to cover and I
have prayed throughout it and after I finished, and I know that Joseph is a
true prophet of God, and the BOM is another testament of Jesus. It DOES contain
some of the plain a precious parts of the bible that was changed by man! As you
read both of these great works together, you will find peace and the Bible will
make so much more sense!
I do feel like you are looking for contention instead of
true curiosity. I would LOVE to chat and answer any questions you have if you
are truly curious, but if you're just looking to start a argument, I don't want
to be apart of it. Like I said before contention is not of God.
If you look throughout history, anyone who has claimed to be
a prophet or disciple of the Lord has gained some kind of power or profit. I
would recommend reading Joseph Smith's biography! There was definitely no gain
for him in restoring the church. I mean he was poor his whole life and very
humble, he was persecuted and turned away by many. His life was definitely
interesting if you're curious.
And my statement still stands from my previous post, I would
love to get together and chat! As long as the conversation stays peaceful, I
really enjoy these kinds of chats!!
November 12 at 12:10pm · Edited · Like · 1
Joshua Wiley Sims There's not really any contention, I am
curious and I think I've asked very civil and respectful questions, but have
received no real answers other than read this for yourself and you'll get it.
Smith built a religion off of a previously established
religion and added to what was already written. My real question still remains,
is Jesus enough, and I think your answer remains is yes, but not without this.
Can I be saved with the teachings of Jesus alone. If I grew up on an island
with a Bible in my heart language, is that enough to know and live like Christ,
to die with Him and Him alone, or do I need this other stuff? If I've never
heard or read the Book or Mormon, can I be saved, if the answer is yes, then
why care so much about Smith and his teachings, if the answer is no, then
Christ was of no value to humanity. You can't have it both ways. Answer that
question and I'll leave you alone. I promise
I really am curious of what you think. Trying to wrap my
head around Mormonism.
November 12 at 12:28pm · Like
Amy Bush O'Neal Oops, regarding the question about hope, the
answer is infallible hope comes from Jesus, who showed us the Father and the
way to him. The way to life is to have obedient faith in Jesus, as he is
revealed, as he commands. Jesus was revealed in his life, but also long before
and after his mortal ministry. Through his servants who were given power
(priesthood), we possess all scriptures through those servants -- not in a big
chunk called "Bible", but century upon century. We possess Jesus'
baptism through them. We possess his living commandments through them. Our
decision as disciples is not how much God may reveal to us, but whether we can
hear his voice in the revelations that present themselves. If Jews, Christians,
and Muslims are right, and if Jesus were to stop revealing himself after having
made a final, "perfect" revelation (when he has never really stopped
from the beginning), it would be bad news for us -- our God would be dead, and
our hope gone. God never changes and will always speak to and guide us!
Especially now that so many have stumbled and the Bible has been changed so
much, don't you think we need him now? I know I do!
November 12 at 3:19pm · Edited · Like · 1
Amy Bush O'Neal Hold on I'm writing a response to your
latest comment, it may take a moment.
November 12 at 12:38pm · Like
Amy Bush O'Neal Yes Jesus IS enough and I truly believe that
he will be judging us all on what we know and do in our lives! I do however
believe the more you know, the more you will be blessed and guided through this
otherwise difficult life! Through revelation we know that EVERYONE will be
taught this gospel, and they can choose to accept or reject it, but they WILL
be taught it. There are covenants that are required in order to return to
Heavenly Father and EVERYONE will have the opportunity to do those as well.
Through the questions you have, I really think you would be interested in the
Plan of Salvation.
Man I'm so bad at putting thoughts together, I know I have a
great answer to your question, but I have too many thoughts, I really wish we
were talking in person lol!
The Gospel is VERY valuable to man, but someone who has
received less knowledge will not be damned for that. As long as we activity
follow Jesus and his teaching we will be okay. BUT it HARD to follow Jesus when
you're not even sure what to believe and all the churches are teaches
different, even contrary things! Which parts of the Bible are still relevant
today? Can I follow this and not follow that, because we are progressive and so
is God, right? That's when we start falling into a grey areas. Jesus was our
example and if you actively try to live like him and face him in all your
thoughts, I believe that you will be okay.
November 12 at 2:07pm · Edited · Like · 2
Amy Bush O'Neal As I have found my testimony and have
learned more about Christ, I know that I am better for it, temporally and
spiritually! I wouldn't give up my relationship with God and my knowledge for
November 12 at 1:32pm · Edited · Like · 2
Adam D Pomeroy Amy, I really liked the post and blog and I
know Katie did as well since she pointed it out to me. But if you don't mind me
chiming in to help answer some of Joshua's questions and doubts about the
November 12 at 3:48pm · Unlike · 1
Adam D Pomeroy To reference "The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-Day Saints" as Smith's gospel is the first thing I would like to
talk about. Christ once told the Jews to give to Caesar that which is Caesar's
and to God that which is God's. As the name of the Church states it is
"The Church of Jesus Christ" the reason for the latter-day portion is
because we are in the latter days. So we teach of Christ, we rejoice in Christ
and we follow the Gospel of Christ.
The sacrifice that Christ made was for our salvation but as
James talked about you can have faith but without the work/effort the faith is
dead. So we need to constantly move forward have by showing forth our good
works/deeds which in turn grows our faith even more to the point of
unfaltering. But in this day and age, as in the times of Joseph Smith, there
are many faiths to be found on the Earth all teaching something a bit different
than the next. So which one is true? Which one has the fullness of the Gospel
of Christ? It's hard to say since well all these faiths teach out of the same
book, interrupting the 4 gospels and the Letters of Paul, Peter, James, John
and the Old Testament in different ways. This happened because the people
turned against the apostles and killed them all and when this happened the
Priesthood which Christ held and gave to his apostle's was lost. The telephone
wire that connected earth to heaven was cut. Thus, man had to turn to his own
devices. The Catholics started baptizing children and allowing death bed
repentance. Such things is what caused Martin Luther to post his letter on the
doors of the church. The Church of England was created so divorce could be
possible and so on and so forth with all the churches. Yet Joseph Smith wanted
to know for himself which one was the TRUE church and had ALL the Gospel of
Christ and followed the counsel of James and decided to ask God himself.
Through this the Priesthood was restored and once again that telephone wire
that had been cut between Heaven and Earth was now restored.
However, as you have stated the bible warns of the many
false prophets that are to come in the latter days. Its why the bible gave heed
as to how we can tell if that prophet is true and its through his works. Moses
parted the Sea, the Staff of Joshua sprouted a flower to show he was next after
Moses. Elishah parted the river Jordan and Christ (whom is a prophet and our
Savior) fed thousands. But these works are not done in secret but have
witnesses as well. We are told from the bible that by the mouth of two or three
witnesses we shall know the truth of all things. These prophets above had
dozens and thousands of witnesses to show that they were who was leading them
by the direction of God. Joseph Smith was given a work, that was to show the
people he had been called to be a prophet and witnesses were give so that we
might all know the truthfulness of his work. This was the Book of Mormon (and
the reason we are called Mormons).
The Book of Mormon is not added truths but is a compliment
of the Bible and goes hand in hand with it, so as the cover states, it is
"Another Testament of Jesus Christ". Christ told his apostle that he
had other sheep that he must also visit. Some of those sheep were the people of
the Americas. They too had prophets that led and guided the people through
revelation. These people wrote down their stories just like the Jews did in the
Bible. The most important account is when Christ did visit "His other
sheep" and taught them and healed them and blessed them. Isiah tells us
that the "stick of Judah and the stick of Joseph would come together",
this prophecy is fulfilled with Book of Mormon because in it we learn that the
people in America are decedents of Joseph. But more importantly the Book of
Mormon IS another testament of Christ and as stated previously we are to have
TWO to THREE witnesses to know the truthfulness of things. The Book of Mormon
does that by giving us a sure foundation of how we should baptize, what
repentance is, and that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. But I don't
ask that you believe me but do as the end of the book suggests and do as Joseph
Smith did, go to the source and ask God, Himself, if the Book of Mormon and the
words that are in the book are true. In doing so you will have your third
witness which is the Holy Ghost, and he will testify to you the truthfulness of
all things. So if the Book of Mormon is true we then know Christ really is our
Savior and that He called Joseph Smith to be a prophet and restore the FULLNESS
of the everlasting gospel and that he still talks to his children through
prophets and apostles.
Lastly, about how it wasn't till later in the church that
Blacks were able to receive the Priesthood. To reference back to the Bible, did
not Peter have a dream about pigs and other unclean foods? Did we not learn
that this dream was interrupted as Peter needing to teach the Gentiles? Was
this not a main reason Saul/Paul was called to be an apostle, because he was a
Roman citizen and could thus teach the Romans in their own cities? If we are to
go of the premise that blacks before 1979 are not saved than that too means the
gentiles before Peters dream are also not saved. But it wasn't until it was
revealed to Peter that he should teach the gentiles that the gospel was brought
to them, it was done on God's time. As it was with Blacks receiving the
priesthood, it was not done till it was revealed to the prophet on God's time.
He is all knowing and gives us little by little so we can grow and strengthen
the Church of Christ.
However, just because you do not hold the priesthood does
not mean you will not be saved or ever receive the priesthood. This is why
"Mormon's" have temples so we can do work for the dead, for a man
cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven unless he be born of both water and
fire. But it cannot just be done by whomever, it must be done by the proper authority.
This is why Christ showed us they way in the Bible and then taught it to the
people of the America's. He was baptized by John the Baptist whom had the
authority to do so and it wasn't till afterwards that he received the Holy
Ghost which appeared as a dove.
As you can see Joshua there is much confusion in the world
and there are people that are seeking the truth, the complete truth. This is
why it is so hopeful to know that God restored the everlasting gospel on the
earth once again and it is led like it times of old by prophets and apostles.
These prophets and apostles have been given the authority, thus we can be
baptized and receive the Holy Ghost, and with the constant companionship of the
Holy Ghost we can know of a surety that "The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-Day Saints" is His church and it led through his guidance; we can
also know through the Holy Ghost that the Book of Mormon is true and was
translated by the gift and power of God by Joseph Smith and that he is a true
prophet of God.
I have read the Book of Mormon and without a shadow of a
doubt I know it to be true. I know the Bible to be true. I know Christ is my
Savior and that I am His son and that He knows me. I know this because I have
gone to the source and asked Him will real intent and my prayers were answered
by the Holy Ghost that these things are true. I know if you were to read the
Book of Mormon, Joshua, and pray about it that He will answer you and that you
will be given the HOPE you spoke about early.
November 12 at 4:54pm · Edited · Like · 4
Amy GrosJacques Flynn I have a lot more to say, and I
definitely don't agree with you about a lot of it, but just wanted to say Amy
you're doing great! For someone who I'd
consider to be a "baby mormon" (haven't believed, practiced, studied
your whole life), you're explaining and defending your faith just fine.
November 12 at 5:42pm · Like
Joshua Wiley Sims Adam, I appreciate intelligent well
explained responses. Here's my dilemma. I believe that I have hope through
Jesus and I in my current state of knowledge don't know the sacred truths of
Smith's Gospel.
With that said, can I attain and hold onto Salvation through
Jesus Christ with only the teachings of Christ, or is my Salvation entirely
hinging on works that I'm unable to complete due to my lack of knowledge?
Moreover, if I am willing to seek God in earnest, will He not guide me to the
Book of Mormon if that is the missing piece? Not just me, but all who claim to
believe, if the most true, is God not powerful enough to draw all into the LDS
church? If it is the Father's Will to draw all people to himself, what about
all the souls from Jesus to Joseph Smith? Why not sooner than 1840's (I think).
I guess the question still remains, Salvation through Jesus
Christ alone, or Salvation through Jesus Christ + Extra Teachings? I don't
imagine it can be both, or you wouldn't be so passionate that I read the
writings of Smith.
November 12 at 7:00pm · Like · 1
Amy Bush O'Neal Thanks for the great answer Adam, as Amy
said, I'm a "baby mormon", so your input is greatly appreciated!! And
thank you Amy, you always cheer me on, even when you don't agree, you're the
November 12 at 7:20pm · Like
Amy Bush O'Neal In this situation the Holy Ghost is the only
source that can be ultimately trusted. A called prophet or leader, a book, a
church, a curriculum, understanding history. The whole of it, can only be
trusted if the Holy Ghost teaches and confirms the truth, or you are taught
directly from the Spirit. Salvation will be determined on one’s ability to both
discern the spirit of truth and obey it.
November 12 at 7:27pm · Like · 1
Joshua Wiley Sims So Salvation isn't through Jesus, but
through solely on my works with what the Spirit convicts me of when I do wrong.
. . I would whole heartedly disagree. To say that, is to say that there's no
Ultimate Truth, and that salvation becomes existential, "if I believe I am
saved, I am" Only one person is righteous enough to Judge sin and see a
blood bought covering of Salvation, that would be God the Father through Jesus
Christ the Son. If Jesus Christ doesn't have the power to provide Salvation in
spite of ourselves, he has no power at all and isn't worth loving or
November 12 at 7:32pm · Like
Dani F Hayes Joshua, so I have a question for you. The
reason why I ask is to just better understand where you are coming from. There
is a poem that I love of The Blind Men and the Elephant. It starts off saying,
Six men of Indostan
To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the Elephant
(Though all of them were blind),
That each by observation
Might satisfy his mind.
In the poem each of the six travelers takes hold of a
different part of the elephant and then describes to the others what he has
discovered. One of the men finds the elephant’s leg and describes it as being
round and rough like a tree. Another feels the tusk and describes the elephant
as a spear. A third grabs the tail and insists that an elephant is like a rope.
A fourth discovers the trunk and insists that the elephant is like a large
snake. Each is describing truth. And because his truth comes from personal
experience, each insists that he knows what he knows.
The poem concludes:
And so these men of Indostan
Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right,
And all were in the wrong!
November 12 at 7:48pm · Edited · Unlike · 1
Dani F Hayes I think before anyone can answer your question
on The LDS Church's view on Salvation, we all need to understand what you are
asking. I believe that many people define Salvation differently, so my question
is, What are you wanting to be saved from? or What do you believe that Christ
has saved us from?
November 12 at 7:50pm · Edited · Unlike · 1
Dani F Hayes *I edited my above posts to format them better.
I always forget that by hitting enter it will submit your post. *
November 12 at 7:52pm · Unlike · 1
Joshua Wiley Sims That poem is ridiculous.
What does LDS define as Salvation? All I am seeing here in
the last 3-4 posts is that my faith is entirely existential and if that is the
case, am I alright without the teachings of Smith.
There's a very honest philosophical theme in my questions.
None of which are answered, why is that I wonder?
November 12 at 7:55pm · Like
Dani F Hayes I guess my purpose in the poem was to explain
that before I can answer your question based on what I believe, I need to
understand what you believe and what you are asking. I feel that the term
'Salvation' gets thrown around in a lot of different denominations and not a
lot of people really take the time to ask, what does it mean to be saved? If
you are really wanting to know what we believe, we need to start with what do
you believe Salvation is. Is it being saved from Physical Death, is it being
saved from Spiritual Death, or for you does Salvation only mean not going to
hell? Your view on what Hell is may be very different than my view. Just as the
Blind Men all viewed the elephant differently based on what they have been
exposed to.
November 12 at 8:02pm · Edited · Like
Joshua Wiley Sims I see your point, I think a better question
is who is Jesus and what is his function in our lives?
November 12 at 8:11pm · Like
Dani F Hayes So lets do this. I will tell you what I
believe. I don't think our intention is to argue here, so once I tell you what
I believe, tell me your thoughts and then we slowly work through this question.
Because by no means is it a small question. Deal?
November 12 at 8:15pm · Like
Joshua Wiley Sims Deal, the only thing I may suggest, you
might want to lens it through the LDS church, specifically the book of Mormon
and its teachings, because my question is still" can I know and love Jesus
without the book of Mormon."
November 12 at 8:18pm · Like
Amy Bush O'Neal You know that answer Joshua, of course you
November 12 at 8:19pm · Like
Brittany Goodyear Joshua, your questions have been on my
mind all day as I've followed this conversation. This may be a little late, but
I want to say this. Sorry if it's a little off your current topic.
I have a three year old and a two month old. When my two
month old throws a fit because she isn't getting what she wants I try to figure
out what she needs and move on. If my three year old throws a fit because she
isn't getting what she wants she gets put in time out. If every time I warned
her not to throw a fit she put her fingers in her ears she would still get put
in time out.
God is our Heavenly Father, emphasis on Father. He's the
perfect parent. And the perfect judge. If you are on some remote island with
your own beliefs with never a chance to hear the Gospel do I think you'll be
condemned to Hell? No. This is my own personal belief, but I believe God to be
merciful. But at the same time no unclean thing can live with God. This is
where Jesus comes in. He died to atone for our sins and our imperfections.
Through Him we can become clean. But there must be effort on our part and we
must do what we can with what we have.
We believe that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints has the fullness of the Gospel. And that with what we have been taught
we will be held to higher accountability. But no, I don't believe you'll be
condemned if you don't hear of the gospel. I do think you'll be judged though
if you hear it and disregard it. And that's why we keep saying that you have to
pray and find out for yourself. And if you pray earnestly and with real intent
and feel that it is not true, then you go with that. But this is what we all
feel and know to be true and that is what we will be judged upon when the day
November 12 at 8:25pm · Unlike · 3
Dani F Hayes I like analogies because it helps make eternal
and spiritual beliefs more comprehensible. So to answer the root of your
question, "can I know and love Jesus without the book of Mormon." The
answer like Amy said is Yes! The bible is the word of God. In no way is the
Book of Mormon meant to replace the Bible. So yes you can know and love Jesus
without the Book of Mormon. Now that being said (here comes the analogy) If you
read the Bible and find it to be true, for me that is a lot like Choosing what
Sport team you are going to be on. You are choosing to love Christ and be on
his team. Now I believe that the Book of Mormon works hand in hand with the
Bible. The Book of Mormon has provided us with A Game Plan. It tells us what we
need to do and how we can be successful being on Christ's team. So that is
where I stand on that. Now if you are really wanting to know what our Church
believes the game plan is, I can break it down and that will answer your
question on our view of Salvation. Does that make sense. I am not here to
debate what your view is on whether or not these are false teachings, I am just
letting you know what I believe.
November 12 at 8:28pm · Like
Amy Bush O'Neal Side note- You have definitely made today a
very thought provoking and interesting day for me, Joshua! I'm truly glad you
are asking these questions, even if you walk away from this conversation with
nothing, I left with a sense of confidence in sharing my beliefs which is
usually something I'm scared to do. I've really enjoyed it!
November 12 at 8:35pm · Edited · Like · 2
Dani F Hayes Joshua, I haven' heard back from you so I am going
to post this and go to bed. Here is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints view on The Plan of Salvation aka the Game Plan: (This is my
understanding on God's Plan for us and how we can be "Saved")
November 12 at 9:29pm · Like
Dani F Hayes 1. We
believe that we lived with God as spirits before we came to Earth.
2. We believe
that God has a beautiful plan for us. He wants us to have joy and he wants us
to learn how to become more like him.
3. We believe
that just as God created the earth, and that he created our Physical Bodies so
we can live and gain experience.
4. We believe
that when Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit, this created a
separation between God and Man. Because they ate the fruit we believe that
God’s spirit children (all of us) could come to Earth, experience physical
bodies, and be proven by our daily choices. The goal of life is to experience
happiness and your deepest, most lasting happiness will come from knowing God’s
plan and following it.
5. We believe
that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the process of repentance, we
can be forgiven for our sins. If you want more information on what we believe
about the atonement, feel free to ask.
6. Now because
Christ atoned for our sins and sacrificed his life for us, this has allowed us
to overcome PHYSICAL DEATH. It doesn’t matter if you choose to follow Christ or
not, everyone will overcome physical death. And because of Christ’s death, at
some point our spirit and body will be reunited (resurrected) and made perfect
never to be separated again.
Now that you know where I am coming from I can answer your
question, “If I've never heard or read the Book or Mormon, can I be saved, if
the answer is yes, then why care so much about Smith and his teachings” This is
why: We believe that Spiritual Death is defined as separation from God. The
scriptures teach of two sources of spiritual death. The first source is the
Fall (Adam and Eve), and the second is our own disobedience. Spiritual death
can be overcome through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and by obedience to His
gospel. Our sins make us unclean and unable to dwell in the presence of God.
Through the Atonement, Jesus Christ offers redemption from this spiritual
death, but only when we exercise faith in Him, repent of our sins, and obey the
principles and ordinances of the gospel.
Now the key part to that is obeying principles and
ordinances of the gospel. I believe that together The Book of Mormon and The
Bible outline what those principles and ordinances are. Regardless of whether
or not I learn God’s plan of Salvation in this life or after this life (for
those who live on islands and are never taught), I know that my personal choice
is to Follow God’s Plan, because I desire to not be separated from God. So in a
very large nutshell that is why I care about the teachings. I feel that it is
my responsibility to seek the truth out with whatever resources I have and that
I will be held accountable for the decisions I make.
November 12 at 9:29pm · Like
Joshua Wiley Sims Here's my only real concern with Smith,
the teachings and why it's necessary to call yourselves Mormons and not
I grew up knowing and loving Jesus, as taught in the Bible
exclusively. That same book, if true, warned me to stay away from additions to
scripture. To know and love Jesus, even Smith had to read the Bible first. When
did that book become not good enough? It seems like your faith is more hung up
on denominations and their interpretations, when the Spirit should be able to give
us insight about biblical truths. To say that the whole truth has been lost due
to the message of the bible is a fallacy, how can the Bible be holy and
simultaneously inaccurate. If the Bible gave strong warnings to not interpret
it's message incorrectly, add or take away, Smith is equally as guilty as the
first Pope that allowed for the sale of indulgences.
Moreover, where is all the historical proof of the history
of North America as written in the Book of Mormon.
You're no different than the Gnostics in the New Testament
who pretended to have extra information in the ways of God. I just don't see
how you can build doctrines around the writings of Smith, they break down so
quickly when compared to the Bible that you all seem to love and esteem so much.
It just doesn't add up. Which is false, the Bible or the Book of Mormon, based
on what the Bible says, they lie incongruent with each other.
November 12 at 9:42pm · Like
Amy Bush O'Neal I personally didn't have a good answer,
atleast one that I had confidence articulating so I found this for you..
A careful reading of the words makes it clear that the
warning against adding to or taking away does not refer to the whole Bible or
even to the New Testament, but to use John’s words, only to the words of “the
book of this prophecy.” That is, the prophecy contained in the book of
Revelation. This is substantiated by the fact that some of the books of the New
Testament had not yet been written when John wrote the book of Revelation, and
even those that had been written and were in existence at that time had not yet
been gathered into one compilation.
The collection of writings consisting of the sixty-six books
we know as the Bible were brought together and compiled into one volume long
after John wrote the prophetic book that has been placed at the end of the
collection. It is clear, therefore, that the terrible judgments pronounced upon
those who add to the book could not possibly apply to the whole of the Bible or
even to the New Testament, but only to the book of Revelation.
Secondly, the warning uses the words “the prophecy of this
book” and also “the words of the book of this prophecy.” The word book in both
instances is singular and could only refer to the book of prophecy written by
John which is titled, in the King James Version, “The Revelation of St. John
the Divine” and is often referred to as the Apocalypse—a Greek word which means
revealed. Of necessity the word book would have been in the singular because
when written it was not associated with any other book or books, and it was
after many years and many ecclesiastical debates that it was added to the
collection that became known as the new canon of scripture or the New
It is also interesting to note that John himself added to
scripture after writing the book of Revelation, which is generally conceded to
have been written while he was on the Isle of Patmos. It was long after John
left Patmos that he wrote his first epistle. This fact standing alone would be
sufficient to defeat the claim that revelation was closed and that man was
enjoined from adding to scripture. This adds cumulative evidence that John had
reference to the book of Revelation only.
In the Old Testament also are found similar vigorous
denunciations and commands that there shall not be taken away or added to the
words that were written. The first is found in Deuteronomy, written at the time
Moses was exhorting Israel to live the law of the Lord. The Torah was oral law
and had not been reduced to writing prior to the time of the codification of
the law in Deuteronomy. Now that it had been reduced to writing by Moses prior
to his death and assumed to be complete, Moses wrote:
“Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither
shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord
your God which I command you.” (Deut. 4:2.)
Later in this same book of the law, Moses repeated the
admonition in similar words. He said,
“What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou
shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.” (Deut. 12:32.)
In the minds of some, these admonitions in the Old Testament
raise the same question as to the Book of Mormon being an attempted addition to
scripture as does the injunction and warning at the end of the book of
Revelation. In effect, these passages contain the same injunction as the one at
the close of the Apocalypse; and if the same interpretation and argument was
applied to them as is applied to the closing verses of the book of Revelation,
there would be no scripture after the writings of Moses. Such an absurdity
would result in discarding the greater part of the Old Testament and all of the
books of the New Testament.
A careful reading of each of these admonitions makes it
clear that man is not to make changes in the revelations of the Lord: man is
not to add to or take from the words of God. There is no indication or
intimation that God could not, or would not, add to or take from; nor would any
reasonable person with a belief in the divine powers of God consciously believe
that God would be so restricted. Without question he would have the right and
power to give additional revelation for the guidance of his children in any age
and to add additional scripture.
A study of the revelations of the Lord in holy writ confirms
the fact that it is continuous revelation that guides prophets and the Church
in any age. Were it not for continuous revelation, Noah would not have been prepared
for the deluge that encompassed the earth. Abraham would not have been guided
from Haran to Hebron, the Land of Promise. Continuous revelation led the
children of Israel from bondage back to their promised land. Revelation through
prophets guided missionary efforts, directed the rebuilding of Solomon’s
temple, and denounced the infiltration of pagan practices among the Israelites.
Before the ascension of Christ, he promised the remaining
eleven apostles, “lo, I am with you alway, Even unto the end of the world.”
(Matt. 28:20.) Following his ascension, he guided the Church by revelation
until the death of the Apostles and subsequent apostasy of the Church of Jesus
A distinctive sign of the last days that will precede the
eventual second coming of the Lord was seen in vision by that same Apostle who
recorded the book of Revelation. He said:
“I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the
everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every
nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.” (Rev. 14:6.)
The fact that John saw a messenger from God reveal anew a
lost gospel negates the argument that further revelation could not be added to
the Bible.
We testify to all the world that heavenly ministers have
already appeared in our age, bringing authority from heaven and restoring
truths lost through corrupted teachings and practices. God has spoken anew and
continues to provide guidance for all his children through a living prophet
today. We declare that he, as promised, is with his servants always and directs
the affairs of his Church throughout the world. As in times past, revelation
directs missionary labors, the building of temples, the calling of priesthood
officers, and warns against the evils of society that may deny salvation to our
Father’s children.
In a revelation to a modern oracle, Joseph Smith, the Lord
“For I am no respecter of persons, and will that all men
shall know that the day speedily cometh; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at
hand, when peace shall be taken from the earth, and the devil shall have power
over his own dominion.
“And also the Lord shall have power over his saints, and
shall reign in their midst.” (D&C 1:35–36.)
The Savior is reigning in the midst of the Saints today
through continuous revelation. I testify that he is with his servants in this
day and will be until the end of the earth.
May our vision not be so narrow that we would relegate
revelation to only the ancients. God is merciful and loves his children in all
ages and has revealed himself to this time in history.
November 12 at 9:59pm · Edited · Like · 4
Kristina Pearson Cersey There is a difference between
salvation and exaltation. All are saved through the atonement of Christ, but
only those who adhere to the commandments of Christ's full gospel will be
exalted. I'd explain exaltation, but it seems as though you are content with
your salvation, Joshua. Amy shared her very personal and heartfelt beliefs with
her "friends," which was very brave considering she has
"friends" like you. If she is happy with her beliefs and you are
happy with yours then why attack her with statements such as " it sounds
like you were just regurgitating your book and not actually having a real
opinion of your own." and "You're no different than the Gnostics in
the New Testament who pretended..."? From what I have read of this
conversation, Amy has remained quite respectful while you - despite
hypocritically stating the contrary - have been rather contentious. Even if I
weren't LDS already I would be more likely to subscribe to her peaceful beliefs
over yours solely based on how they were presented. Proverbs 13:10 "Only
by pride cometh contention; but with the well advised cometh wisdom." and
Proverbs 18:6 "A fools lips enter contention, and his mouth calleth for
strokes." I realize I am only adding fuel to this fire which makes me just
as bad as you, but Amy is one of the sweetest people I've ever met and she represents
the Mormon faith well. If you have genuine questions about LDS beliefs and are
open to respectfully receive answers then you should do as she says and read
her links. Otherwise you actually are being a "troll." (It's late and
I'll probably regret this in the morning.)
Yesterday at 12:56am · Unlike · 3
Joshua Wiley Sims Asking hard questions isn't contention. To
assume that someone who opposes you is contentious is folly. How is stating a
contrary belief structure contention, if I were to blindly except anything and everything
presented to me, I'd be a fool. I don't think life can be wrapped up in a neat
little churchy bow and we all feel better about ourselves. If God (any and all
versions, interpretation, and religions can apply to this statement) is not big
enough for my questions, insecurities, and concerns, he (or she or it) isn't
worth serving, loving or respecting. That last statement would be my only
singular existential thought on Faith, the rest of Faith has to come from
believing in Ultimate Truth, the things that never change in spite of how I
feel about this - this my digging into "is (or can) the Book of Mormon be
considered Ultimate Truth.
19 hrs · Like
Adam D Pomeroy To reference "The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-Day Saints" as Smith's gospel is the first thing I would like to
talk about. Christ once told the Jews to give to Caesar that which is Caesar's
and to God that which is God's. As the name of the Church states it is
"The Church of Jesus Christ" the reason for the latter-day portion is
because we are in the latter days. So we teach of Christ, we rejoice in Christ
and we follow the Gospel of Christ.
Joshua, the above should answer your question as to the fact
we are Christians not Mormons. It was given to us by people not of our faith
because we have The Book of Mormon. So in essence you gave us and call us by
that name, not the other way around.
Also, I have known many like you that have many questions
wanting to know more. I have served a mission and can tell you that I have seen
"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" change lives. You
said early that if it were true is God not powerful enough to draw all into
finding the LDS Church? He is and I have seen it and witnessed it while on my
mission. I had found people that had searched years for the truth and when I
knocked on their door and shared the Message of the Restoration they cried and
thanked me and praised the Lord for having sent his servants. I have seen a man
go from being a completely drunk and wanting to kill me because he thought I
was destroying his family with the message I and my companion had. Yet after
witnessing the baptism of his wife he hug me and asked me to teach him as well.
Heavenly Father is powerful enough to draw everyone to the gospel. However, the
one thing he cannot do is take away our free agency and force them to believe.
I have seen as many accept the FULLNESS of the Gospel of Christ, (not Smith's
gospel) as I have seen DENY the witness of the Holy Ghost about the FULLNESS of
the Gospel of Christ (not Smith's Gospel). So you see He will lead and guide us
to the FULLNESS of the Gospel of Christ (not Smith's gospel) but it's up to us
to do with the received witness from the Holy Ghost.
Christ was on the Earth and performed many miracles that
convinced those that drew near him to believe that he was the Redeemer, the
Savior, the Son of God. Yet even then there were those that used their agency
to choose not to believe but instead try and find error in the teaching he did.
This was the Saducees and Pharasees, (sorry about the spelling), they had their
witness that Christ was the Redeemer, Savior, Emanuel, Son of God, Jahovah but
they chose to reject him and try him and eventually crucify him. In the 4
Gospels there are many examples of how they tried to trick him into error but
because he knew their hearts they failed; stories such as the adulteress, the
apostles picking corn, and being born again. Every time they were given witness
as to Him being the Christ but they refused to believe. Go back and find the stories
of Nicodemus and you will see that he was a main culprit of such things and the
main one wishing the death of Christ.
So my point from above is I feel we have answered your
questions but you have chosen to not see and keep in your beliefs. Such as to
continue to call it Smith's Gospel when I have made clear that it is not his
gospel but is the Gospel of Christ in it's FULLNESS. I have made it clear that
we are not Mormons but that we are Christians, we belong to The Church of JESUS
CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints, just from the name of the church you should know
that we are Christians. You have been given answers that reference the Bible as
to why the Book of Mormon is so important and yet you still wish to say "A
bible? I already have a Bible and do not need another Bible." That's good
because The Book of Mormon isn't another Bible, it doesn't replace the Bible or
ADD to the Bible; it compliments the Bible and is another Testament of Jesus
Christ. So I'm glad you have you're Bible both Old and New Testament, however,
only one church is true not all. All churches have a bit of the truth but not
the WHOLE truth. So you can chose to stay comfortable where you are at like the
Saducees and Pharacees or you can truly find the answers to your questions by
reading The Book of Mormon, find out for yourself what is in it and then you
can find out for yourself (as every member of "The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-Day Saints" has) by asking "God, the Eternal Father, in the
name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a
sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the
truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the
Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."
I'm not trying to be rude but we can debate for days weeks
and months, heck we can even do it in Portuguese if you like, but until you do
as I, Amy, Brittany, Dani, Kristina and every other person you know who belongs
to "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" then our debates
will go no where. For you are set in yours and I in mine. However, in my belief
and conviction I paid, not was paid, to leave my family, friends, girlfriend,
and life behind for two years to solely search out those that were looking for
the truth. I have received enough conviction in those two years that I will
never deny my faith, to never even doubt whether or not what I am doing is
wrong, and to never shy away from those that would speak evil of what I believe
in. I would die for my faith if need be but if not then I will scream from the
hill tops of what I know to be true and help all those that seek the truth for
I KNOW, not believe, that the things I read in The Book of Mormon to be true; I
KNOW, not believe, that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the
ONLY true church of the Earth today and that it contains the FULLNESS OF THE
GOSPEL OF CHRIST (not Smith's gospel), and I would exhort you to find out
yourself. You can do so by going to
or calling 877-537-0003 (U.S. only), if you chose not to and to keep debating
then there is nothing anyone can say or do that will change your mind. You must
decide on your own and in all honesty what's the worse that could happen by
reading it? You either confirm your beliefs or you find out it's true; to me
that's a win win. Plus, it's free and who doesn't love free stuff.
Free Book of Mormon |
Request a free copy of the Book of Mormon.
18 hrs · Like · 3 · Remove Preview
Amy Bush O'Neal You're seriously awesome Adam! So well put!!
18 hrs · Like
Joshua Wiley Sims I can post links too. With this, I'm done.
I see a lot of (all) your points and counterpoints in this
post. This was a curious discussion that I'm glad I had. It was fun.
Ten Lies I Told as a Mormon Missionary
The Bible predicts a dreadful fate for liars. For instance,
while banished on the island of Patmos, the Apostle John saw...
18 hrs · Like · Remove Preview
Amy Bush O'Neal You can always find negative links,
especially in religion. That's why testimonies and finding out for yourself is
so important! We are all given freedom to choose and to find out for ourselves.
I have and I'm so happy I did!
17 hrs · Like · 3
Adam D Pomeroy Funny how my link was just for filling out
info for a free BoM. Yet yours was an attack. Oh well, refer to my previous
comments for any further questions
17 hrs · Like · 1
Adam D Pomeroy Also, I can denounce every accusation he
made. So that link is a dud.
17 hrs · Like
BillandMandi Dale " the philosophies of men, mingled
with Scripture."
17 hrs · Unlike · 3
Sabrina D Lecumberry Joshua, you ask something along the
lines of is that enough or do I need all this extra. I can't say that I woul
call myself any specific religion. I am relatively new to religion in that I am
beginning to read the Bible for the first time in my life and explore different
churches. But I have always had faith. If you had asked me a few years ago what
that meant, this is what I would tell you. I believe their is a higher power in
whatever name you want to call it, I believe there is life after this one in
some form or another and as long as we live this life in the best way we can
and understand we aren't perfect we will be okay. It's only been in the last
year I've started getting curious about the differences in religion, so far the
one thing I have found in common, they all have faith and believe in a higher
good. I think that's all you truly need. But again that's just my belief and
opinion. And isn't that all religion really is? Someone's belief on what faith
17 hrs · Unlike · 1
Amy Bush O'Neal Okay sorry everyone, I know this
conversation is over and done, but I really want Joshua to understand that
Jesus's grace IS enough. Here's a talk that explained his grace to me in a way
that I could understand it better. It's a great read if you have time.
Christ’s arrangement with us is similar to a mom providing
music lessons for her child. Mom pays the piano teacher. Because Mom pays the
debt in full, she can turn to her child and ask for something. What is it?
Practice! Does the child’s practice pay the piano teacher? No. Does the child’s
practice repay Mom for paying the piano teacher? No. Practicing is how the
child shows appreciation for Mom’s incredible gift. It is how he takes
advantage of the amazing opportunity Mom is giving him to live his life at a
higher level. Mom’s joy is found not in getting repaid but in seeing her gift
used—seeing her child improve. And so she continues to call for practice,
practice, practice.
If the child sees Mom’s requirement of practice as being too
overbearing (“Gosh, Mom, why do I need to practice? None of the other kids have
to practice! I’m just going to be a professional baseball player anyway!”),
perhaps it is because he doesn’t yet see with Mom’s eyes. He doesn’t see how
much better his life could be if he would choose to live on a higher plane.
In the same way, because Jesus has paid justice, He can now
turn to us and say: “Follow me” (Matthew 4:19); “Keep my commandments” (John 14:15).
If we see His requirements as being way too much to ask, maybe it is because we
do not yet see through Christ’s eyes. We have not yet comprehended what He is
trying to make of us.
Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
has said, “The repenting sinner must suffer for his sins, but this suffering
has a different purpose than punishment or payment. Its purpose is change” (The
Lord’s Way [1991], 223; emphasis in original). Let’s put that in terms of the
child pianist: The child must practice the piano, but this practice has a
different purpose than punishment or payment. Its purpose is change.
Our works, such as repentance and keeping the commandments,
do not save us, but they are requirements set by the Savior to help transform
The miracle of the Atonement is not just that we can live
after we die but that we can live more abundantly (see John 10:10). The miracle
of the Atonement is not just that we can be cleansed and consoled but that we
can be transformed (see Romans 8). Scriptures make it clear that no unclean
thing can dwell with God (see Alma 40:26), but no unchanged thing will even
want to.
The miracle of the Atonement is not just that we can go home
but that—miraculously—we can feel at home there. If Heavenly Father and His Son
did not require faith and repentance, then there would be no desire to change.
Think of your friends and family members who have chosen to live without faith
and without repentance. They don’t want to change. They are not trying to
abandon sin and become comfortable with God. Rather, they are trying to abandon
God and become comfortable with sin. If the Father and the Son did not require
covenants and bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost, then there would be no way to
change. We would be left forever with only willpower, with no access to His
power. If Heavenly Father and His Son did not require endurance to the end,
then there would be no internalization of those changes over time. They would
forever be surface and cosmetic rather than sinking inside us and becoming part
of us—part of who we are. Put simply, if Jesus didn’t require practice, then we
would never become Saints.
“But don’t you realize how hard it is to practice? I’m just
not very good at the piano. I hit a lot of wrong notes. It takes me forever to
get it right.” Now wait. Isn’t that all part of the learning process? When a
young pianist hits a wrong note, we don’t say he is not worthy to keep
practicing. We don’t expect him to be flawless. We just expect him to keep
trying. Perfection may be his ultimate goal, but for now we can be content with
progress in the right direction. Why is this perspective so easy to see in the
context of learning piano but so hard to see in the context of learning heaven?
God’s grace is divine power to help us with all of our
shortcomings and is available to us at all times.
There should never be just two options: perfection or giving
up. When learning the piano, are the only options performing at Carnegie Hall
or quitting? No. Growth and development take time. Learning takes time. When we
understand grace, we understand that God is long-suffering, that change is a
process, and that repentance is a pattern in our lives. When we understand
grace, we understand that the blessings of Christ’s Atonement are continuous and
His strength is perfect in our weakness (see 2 Corinthians 12:9). When we
understand grace, we can, as it says in the Doctrine and Covenants, “continue
in patience until [we] are perfected” (D&C 67:13).
Grace is not a booster engine that kicks in once our fuel
supply is exhausted. Rather, it is our constant energy source. It is not the
light at the end of the tunnel but the light that moves us through the tunnel.
Grace is not achieved somewhere down the road. It is received right here and
right now.
The grace of Christ is sufficient (see Ether 12:27; D&C
17:8)—sufficient to cover our debt, sufficient to transform us, and sufficient
to help us as long as that transformation process takes. The Book of Mormon
teaches us to rely solely on “the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy
Messiah” (2 Nephi 2:8). As we do, we do not discover—as some Christians
believe—that Christ requires nothing of us. Rather, we discover the reason He
requires so much and the strength to do all He asks (see Philippians 4:13). Grace
is not the absence of God’s high expectations. Grace is the presence of God’s
power (see Luke 1:37).
God’s grace is sufficient. Jesus’s grace is sufficient. It
is enough. It is all we need. Don’t quit. Keep trying. Don’t look for escapes
and excuses. Look for the Lord and His perfect strength. Don’t search for
someone to blame. Search for someone to help you. Seek Christ, and, as you do,
you will feel the enabling power and divine help we call His amazing grace.
Read the whole thing, the talk is amazing!!!
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