Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Knights.

Today spent the day hanging out Nikki (Chris's sister) and her family! It was a very fun day! We ate at Outback, went to the park until it started raining, and then went back to our house to watch a movie and relax. It was really fun! We don't get to see the Knights often so when we do it's always a good time! Lily LOVES her big cousins! Oh and Natalie and her family slept over last night so it's pretty much been a party over here!

Friday, July 30, 2010


Today I woke up with the WORST toothache! I called Chris and practically begged his NCO to let him off so I could go to the dentist. I got to the dentist and he pretty much blamed it all on pregnancy hormones and swollen gums. I'm pretty sure the cause was my latest addiction... freezing my waters and chewing on the ice.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Last night (after midnight so it counts!) I got a burst of energy and I went crazy cleaning. I'm so blah during the days so it's nice that I can take advantage of the nights I'm already up by catching up on some much needed cleaning! I got the main floor clean, except vacuuming of course!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cute Hubby!

I didn't take a picture today, but this is a picture of our baby monitor. Every night now that Im just too pregnant to go upstairs all the time, Chris has taken over the bedtime time. I love listening to him read stories to the kids. He's so good with them. It's funny how different he reads books than me. But he's still a cutie!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


The scanned picture doesn't do it justice, but you guys had to just be there! I saw him! He's was so adorable!! When Austin was a newborn his lip and chin were so funny looking, but SO cute! I think Gray is the same way! I just love him so much!! I'm going to miss those kicks of his when he finally comes out to meet the world, but for now he's all mine!

Birthday Present!

Chris's present FINALLY came in the mail today. I was not happy about how long it took! But he's been wanting a baby backpack since Lily was a baby so I was excited about this gift! He LOVED IT! I'm excited to go hiking in Colorado!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Baby Gray!

Today I got an ultrasound done... I love seeing Grayson! These pictures I thought turned out really well! He was being so cute!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Birthday with Dad!

Today we met up Chris Chris's Dad to celebrate his birthday! We had The Cheesecake Factory for the first time! It was super yummy! It was sunday morning so we got to try their brunch! Chris and his dad are so much alike! Anyway this picture is us waiting for Steve to get there!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pregnancy Scare.

Yesterday while out getting balloons for Chris's birthday when I was pushing the shopping cart, somehow it hit into my stomach really hard. I didn't think much of it at the time... all i knew was it hurt! Later on that night I started feeling like I was having contractions. I was in SO MUCH PAIN! So I called my mom and told me to just put myself on bed rest for a day. So today we spent the day relaxing. I love cookies, but i didn't care much for Chris's birthday cookie cake, so i enjoyed my own cookies in bed! :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Birthday Boy!

Today we celebrated Chris's birthday! We had a ham meal and cookie cake! Lily LOVED telling daddy happy birthday every chance she got. She sang the Happy Birthday song probably 100 times! I think his birthday was more exciting to her! His present STILL hadn't been delivered. Oh well.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Chris!!

Chris turned 23 today, but it was SUCH a busy day full of OBGYN appointments and Asthma Appointments that we decided to celebrate tomorrow! Austin was so cute all day!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


We had chicken salad and cheese croissants for lunch... YUM!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Today was Chris's last day of leave so we got a bunch done. We renewed his driver's license, went to Sam's, etc. Austin (obviously) was exhausted! Too cute!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Birthday and Christmas

So Chris and I have decided that we need to go about our kids birthdays and Christmas's differently. All our kid's birthdays are way too close to Christmas and it is very stressful for us (and you too) to have to buy two gifts. Plus our kids are already very spoiled. So here's the new plan.

We are going to cover birthdays. And then for Christmas we're going to give them a stocking, a Santa gift, and that's it. So Christmas will have more gifts from family and friends, and birthdays will be from just us. I hope that makes it easier on you guys!!

Dryer Sheets!

I love the smell of dryer sheets so today I tried putting them in our vents... best idea EVER! My house smelled awesome!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Tonight we tried a new recipe, Tex Mex chicken and rice, and then we made homemade rice krispy treats! Between the four of us it was GONE!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Today lily got a surprise! My mom was in town for the day due to a layover flight. So we got to go play with the cousins (minus Emerson) and Grandma!! I love when my mom comes to visit, but I hate it when she has to leave!! Anyway Lily was Belle (my family's nickname for her) for the day and Kenzie was Aurora! They are such great friends! My mom is the cutest!!!

Also my mom let Chris and me go on a date tonight so we finally went and saw ECLIPSE!! It was fun! I love getting to go out with just my husband!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Going HOME!!

Today we headed back to Chris's mom's house! I was so not feeling it. I didn't mind going back to TN, but my bed at home sounded so tempting! We were supposed to go to the flea market, but I had other plans. Sometimes after a trip all you want is to go home and that's where I was at. So we did. The drive was SO LONG! Anyway during gas/food breaks, the kids enjoyed the front seats. Lily kept begging us to let her drive lol... umm a few more years!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Chris's family left today (most of them) so we took advantage of our extra day to explore Oklahoma! Chris took us to Bricktown. It was so cute! It was a fun day with my little family!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Today reminded me of how much I dislike funerals. They are just so sad!! But the one good thing about them is they bring families closer. I only met Grandma Rosie a few times, but she was a very sweet woman. I'm really sad my kids never got the chance to know her.
The first picture is of Chris, his dad, and his sister.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Oklahoma Bound.

Today we woke up at 4am and DROVE ALL DAY! We made it to Oklahoma just in time for dinner with the family. We went to Johnny's Burger. I loved finally meeting Chris's family (Dad's side)! They're all really nice... I just wish we could have met for another reason.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Packing up and rain.

Last night it started POURING... like REALLY pouring! The kids had to come into our tent and Chris covered us in a huge tarp. It was crazy! But I'm not going to lie, the rain was very relaxing and it cooled the hot summer night. So today I sat in the car with Austin while Chris packed everything up. Chris's grandma on his dad's side died so we need to start heading up to Oklahoma City for her funeral tomorrow. Yeah, we never stop lol. It was so nice to go back to Chris's Mom's house to TAKE A SHOWER!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Camping Fun.

Today was so much fun! We went boating, fishing, swimming, relaxed on a floaty. Chris's Aunt and her family came down and Chris's grandpa made an appearance also. Chris's aunt makes the BEST roasted marshmallows! It was an awesome day. I wish I had taken more pictures!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Camping in TN.

Today we drove to Spring City, TN to go camping with Chris's Mom! By time we got there we were ready to relax! Chris set up our tents and we enjoyed the beautiful lake view. That night we ate hamburgers, roasted marshmallows, and played with some of the extra sparklers we had from the previous weekend!

Friday, July 09, 2010

Camping Prep Day.

Today was a crazy day!! I made TWO trips to Sam's Club, because I forgot my debit card the first time. It was terrible! I had gotten everything I needed, went through the line, and then realized I was cardless! But the second time wasn't bad at all! Also we packed and got everything ready for our weekend camping trip in TN with my in-laws. By the end of the night all I wanted was a big bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats and to SLEEP!

Preparing for our camping trip. (189)

Thursday, July 08, 2010


Austin had an appointment with an asthma specialist today, because I've been concerned with his wheezing. They put him on a breathing treatment twice a day. I'm SO impressed with how well he took it! I guess he's getting used to the nebulizer. He's such a great kid! Especially since it takes about 30 minutes each time we do it! Poor Austin... I hope it helps!

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Silly Bandz.

I gave in and bought Lily some Silly Bandz! They're the hot fad for kids right now and I think they're so cute! I got her the princess ones!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Crazy Cleaning.

After a busy weekend there was so much cleaning to catch up on. I was in the zone to deep clean the whole house! I think I overdid it though, because by the end of the day I was in SO MUCH PAIN! I took so many breaks too! My body just can't handle that much work I guess. I deep cleaned everything (except the couches)!! I love the smell of this cleaner! Lemon is such a clean smell!

Monday, July 05, 2010

Pool and Park.

Today we enjoyed a day at the pool! I love when Chris can join us!! Then we went to the park to play and have a picnic for the rest of the afternoon. It was so much fun! Our 4th of July weekend seriously rocked!!

Sunday, July 04, 2010

4th of July 2010

Today we had another amazing day! We spent the whole day at Lenox Square... which is a rich area in Atlanta. They had a whole thing set up for the day. There were like 10 bouncy air things for the kids. We seriously spent ALL DAY bouncing! Lily loved the bouncy slide and the regular bouncer. Then we got to get our faces painted and colored little fans. We ate yummy vendor foods, and then played with pop-its until the firework show started. It was AWESOME! Buckhead is definitely funded!! Lily and Austin were wore out by the end of the night... we all were! It was a great 4th of July!!

Saturday, July 03, 2010


For our first day of our "Stay"cation we went to the Atlanta Aquarium! We had a blast! The kids loved all the fish! Afterward, we ate lunch at the Varsity. Their Orange freeze things are so good! Then we went to the park to play. The kids had a blast and didn't want to leave, but we had a schedule to keep. So we left and met with Natalie and the Putnam's to watch the Avondale fireworks! Kenzie and Lily enjoyed it, but I think Austin liked it the most! He pointed at every firework! And lastly, we all went back to the Putnam's to play with Sparklers. Lily LOVED IT!! We all had a busy and wonderful day!

Friday, July 02, 2010

Day Off.

Today we took advantage of Chris's first day off to get stuff done! We're really trying to save money so we bought these new tires and sold his heavy duty off-roading tires.

Thursday, July 01, 2010


Today I got the whole house ready for our 4th of July weekend. We were planning to see Eclipse, but I was way too tired! So instead we rented a few movies I had been wanting to see! Avatar was a pretty cool movie and Valentines Day was definitely cute!!