Tuesday, August 31, 2010


My mom came into town yesterday and is staying at my sisters for awhile. But today she stopped by to unpack. Lily has been doing that all day! She winks, points, and makes a "t" sound. It's really cute. She loves her grandma!!
(sorry the pic is so awful... I wasn't in the mood to try lol)

Oh Baby!!

I had an OBGYN appointment today and I'm 3 cm dilated. So I need to overdrive on my to-do list from the last post! So tomorrow I'm going to get my hair and nails done. I also might get Nat to take a few pics! ;) If I can make it past Saturday I will be very happy! Sunday the 5th would be my preference! :)

Okay Grayson, I want to see you on the 5th! That's our goal! :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

"Sweet" Hubby.

Today when Chris got off work he called me, and I asked him to go to the store and get my something sweet. He asked me what i wanted so I said, "Something like donuts, chocolate, cookies, etc." Well he came home with it all!! He's the best!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Flynn Photoshoot..

Sean is deploying in a few days so we decided to go ahead and do their Christmas pics. I think they turned out really cute!

Also I haven't used my SLR in awhile now, and after today I kind of miss it!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Austin's Haircut.

My little man got a haircut today from Chris. This time we didn't COMPLETELY buzz it off, but it is pretty short. It really needed it! He was not in the mood to get his picture taken so this was the best I could do.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Mom's Shirts.

Lily LOVES wearing my shirts as dresses. Lately it's been kind of cold in the mornings at our house, so Lily has been picking this shirt. I think it looks so cute on her. She is such a doll!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lily's Bug.

For about a week now we've had this bug come and go. It chills on the outside of our window. It's so weird! I wish it would just go away! Anyway today Lily named it, "Hopper". She is such a funny girl lol!

The "Big" TV.

Lily loves watching her shows on the "big tv"! T

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Relaxing after a trip to the Dentist.

Bad picture, because it was taken from Chris's phone, but today i had as dentist appointment to get my filling fixed. I HATE getting numb! It was not a fun day at all. So I came home and took a couple Tylenol, took a nap, and let Chris do all the parenting. I thought this was cute!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Birth Prep.

So today I started to think that I might be going into labor. I was in so much pain, and it was actually pretty consistent. Luckily I had an OBGYN appointment today and they told me that my cervix is closed. So I decided to make a list so HOPEFULLY my mind won't send some kind of message down to my cervix saying "it's time" until I'm completely prepared! I had my hair up and had no make-up on today. I looked like such a bum. I'm glad I didn't have to go to the hospital looking like that. Especially if I plan on doing the constant updates (with pictures) like I did during Austin's birth. Anyway here's my list.

Things I Must Do Before Having Grayson:
Get maternity pictures done.
Get my hair done.
Get my nails done.
Have my baby shower.
Make sure my parents are here and accounted for.
Find a used bassinet (check)
Find a cute take-home outfit for Grayson.
... anything else yall can think of?


It's Grayson with an A... just to get that straightened out. I've already seen people mess it up and he's not even born yet! Even Chris spells it wrong! You think I should just change it to Greyson so it'll be easier on him? It's annoying.

Ice, Ice Baby.

Yesterday someone on my Facebook newsfeed mentioned how much they love Zaxby's ice. It was funny to see everyone's comments...

Person #1: isn't that the pellet kind? if so, i love it too!!! esp. when i was pregnant..

Person #2: Ohhh me toooo... I agree with kelly I ate their ice while I was pregnant... Along with sonics & race trac... I would go just to get the ice...

Me: That is too funny... I'm pregnant and ADDICTED to ice. Maybe it's because that's all they give you when you're going into labor. Weird. Anyway I def agree!

Person #4: yum... yes, ice was my friend when i was preggo! : ))

I think it's funny how I'm not the only one! So after she mentioned it, I craved Zaxby's ice for the rest of the day until I got it tonight! It's the BEST! It reminds me of when I used to get hurt in school and the nurse would give me ice to put on it... I've always loved pellet ice! YUM!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Lily's chores.

One of Lily's job's around the house is to refill the water bottles in the refrigerator. If you look at the picture, you can see what kind of a person Lily is. Notice how the bottles are all facing forward. She's such a perfectionist! She liked her things straight and tidy. She is such a good cleaner... MOST of the time.

Also today I went into Lily's room and watched her clean her room. Lily was getting back into play mode so I said, "LILY CLEAN!!". Her reply was, " okay, okay mom... just relax" lol
But seriously her mind wanders too quickly for my patience! It's frustrating! I'm having a really hard time forcing myself to stay seated... I'm so tempted to just get up and clean it for her!! Guess I should just take her advise and relax.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Kim's.

Today our friend's from Belgium came over to visit on their way back to Ft. Gordon. It was fun seeing them again. But look how shy the kids are! They used to be bestfriends! I have pictures of them kissing! But they did warm up after awhile. Kim and Chris are really good friends so it was good they got to catch up! Also both of their kids are the same ages as our kids (besides Gray). The lives across the street from us, so Jenny and me were pregnant together. Needless to say, we were all very close!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Talia's Baby Shower/ JT's party.

Today was a busy day! But it was fun! I went to Talia's (Natalie's sister in-law) baby shower. Her due date is the day before mine so it's fun seeing how we're both progressing in our pregnancies. So far we've been about the same. So the big question is... who's going to go into labor first! :)
(way to make me look like a cow, Nat!!)

Then later on that night we went to our friend, JT's going away party. He joined the Airforce and is leaving for basic. It's so weird watching him join. I've known him for a long time, and I know he'll do great in the military!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Amy and Sean's Party.

Today we went to a party at the Flynn's house. Sean is deploying soon so they decided to have an early birthday for him. It was fun catching up with my girls! It was a pretty chill night and I enjoyed it!

Snuggle Bugs.

My kids are the most snuggly kids I have ever seen, and they are both bound and determined to snuggle with me every chance they get! If I happen to be on one side of the bed they will beat each other up to sit by me! So I’ve just had to learn how to sit in the middle so they can each have their side. It’s so nice that they love to give me loves! Chris is the one they play with and I’m the one they relax with. I love it to death, but I have no idea what I’m going to do when Gray bear gets here! The battle will just get worse! But secretly, I’m excited. :)

Btw I FINALLY got my blog up to date! If you still don't know I blog more on my 365 blog! So if you're only going to follow one of my blogs, it should be that one since i actually update it! http://photography2010.blogspot.com/

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Today was my 6 month cleaning at the dentist. I usually love this appointment, but all night my teeth felt to irritated! I guess pregnancy didn't like things poking at my gums! However I didn't get any cavities, which is a miracle! No matter how much I take care of my teeth, everytime I'm pregnant I seem to get atleast one cavity! But I do have a chipped filling so I'm going to have to get that fixed, and I STILL need to get my wisdom teeth out once pregnancy is over! Lame!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

All By Myself.

Lily is in a "I wanna do it all by myself" stage. Today she insisted that she just HAD to brush her own teeth. She actually did a pretty good job! My little girl is growing up!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Morning surprise.

Some mornings before we wake up, Chris brings Austin down to sleep (snuggle) with me for the rest of the morning. I love it for many reasons! Sadly, a big reason is that I hate climbing those stairs in the morning. I'm just getting too pregnant to be constantly going up and down steps during the day. But my favorite reason why I love it is because I love waking up by my little baby sleeping next to me. He is just such a sweetheart and it always makes my whole day better. Chris is so thoughtful! He knew that I'd been having a rough time with this pregnancy so far so this morning not only did he bring Aus down, but he also put Lily on the couch in the family room to watch some Diego so she would let me sleep in a little. It was awesome! I still woke up around 7, but it's the thought that counts!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Austin is getting so good at using his utensils! It's so sad how fast he's growing up. I know a lot of it is him just mimicking Lily, but I miss my little baby Austin!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Today we were working on Lily's Learning Time, which we've been doing everyday. Lily just got on my nerves today! I try new, fun things every single time, but I feel like she's losing interest. When we were doing flash cards today she got all silly and just drove me crazy. Every number she saw she said was an "8" and then cracked up. I am definitely not as patient as I thought. So today I bought her a new workbook. We'll see how it goes!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Diane's Baby Shower

Today was Diane's baby shower. It was so much fun seeing these girls! They just moved back to GA! We used to hangout ALL THE TIME! Now we're all married and having kids... it's fun seeing how life is changing for everyone! I really missed them and am so excited to see baby Makayla!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th= bad day.

Today was a BAD DAY! I was hormonal, and Chris was told he'd get off early so I waited all day for him so we could go to the pool. When you're waiting for something the day goes on extra long. Not only did he not get off early, but he didn't come home until almost 8 at night! I could have killed someone! I was so angry! Also my phone just stopped working again! It fixes after it dies, but it's so annoying! I blame it on the cracks! SO READY FOR MY iPhone 4!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Lily has so much imagination! She loves for her toys to play together. She gets smarter everyday!
(btw she LOVES those pajamas and insists on wearing them often so that's why they're in a lot of my pics)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Warm CLEAN bedding.

Today wasn't the best day. I am a very moody pregnant woman! However I cleaned my sheets and blanket today and it turned my whole day around! I got them straight out of the dryer and made my bed. It smelled so clean and fresh. And they were so warm and snuggly! It was amazing!! I love gain... all their scents!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


We haven't had cable in probably 6 months, because we wanted to save money so Direct TV froze our account for us. So they called up me up the other day to see if I wanted to reactivate our service or cancel it. Since we decided to just cancel it they sent the boxes to return our cable boxes and remotes today. I'm so glad to officially be done with that stress! Also today I had an OB apt. and I was so mad at how long it took them to see me! I was there for 1 1/2 hours!! I was about to kill someone!

Monday, August 09, 2010

Learning Time.

Dean, Lily's cousin, started school today and it was kind of a smack in the face. He is only two years older than Lily and knows SO MUCH more than her. So I decided it was time to buckle down and start Lily's Learning Time everyday. Today we watched an alphabet video, did some alphabet flashcards, and then played some quizzing games. I can already see improvement! Such a big girl! By the way, iPhone has some awesome educational apps!

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Girls Trip to Helen.

Today was a lot of fun! We had a girl's day in Helen! We went tubing, went out to eat, and shopped around! I love my girls!!

Saturday, August 07, 2010


Today Chris and I watched Smallville. We couldn't the whole time he was gone so we were dying to start it back up. It's now new series we're addicted to!

Friday, August 06, 2010


Daddy came home today!! Lily and Austin were excited the whole way to the airport! Lily LOVES airplanes!!

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Princess Lily in trouble??

This was so cute I just have to share it! Lily was jumping on my bed after numerous warnings not to so I spanked her. Then she got an attitude with me and told me to stop, so I spanked her again even harder and told her not to talk back. She then bursted into tears. She looked up at me with her big, watering eyes and said, " But Mom! I'm a Princess!!". Haha I know this is actually a sad story, but she always knows how to make even getting in trouble cute!


Today I was such a lazy mom. I felt a little guilty, but I knew the kids were enjoying it so I wasn't too worried. For lunch the had nachos (just melted cheese on chips) and popcorn while watching movies. SO BAD FOR THEM! But I just wasn't feeling it today. I was ready for Chris to come home.

Also since it was my last night alone, I sent the kids to bed early and had a night alone! I brought out my last box of girl scout cookies, turned on a nice movie, and spent some much needed time with myself! I even had a bath with candles and music! I enjoyed the whole night and didn't end up falling asleep till 2 am!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Sweet tooth.

Before chris left on his trip, I was sending him to the store constantly to satisfy my sweet tooth. I knew it had to be sweet, but nothing hit the spot. So since he was leaving for a whole week he bought me a whole cake! It was a raspberry vanilla cake. It's SO YUMMY! He's so amazing! Anyway the kids and I enjoyed it for dessert today. And yes, it hit the spot!!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Pool at Nikki's.

Today we went up to Nikki's to swim! It was a really nice day and a lot of fun! Lily was all about staying on the steps, but somehow her cousin James talked her into sitting on a floaty. We enjoyed hanging out with them!

Monday, August 02, 2010


Chris left on a business trip today so I decided that Lily and I could have a fun sleepover in my bed! We had some fun treats, watched Barbie, and did the whole girl's night thing. I decided to take this picture after she fell asleep, because it amazes me how old she looks during the day, but at night she always reverts back to a little baby in my eyes! She's just so sweet!

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Spaghetti Night.

Tonight was Spaghetti night! We went all out on the kid's favorites... spaghetti, salads with ranch, three cheese garlic bread. They were in heaven!! We love these night, but they sure are messy!!