Thursday, June 22, 2006

My one and only might not be my own!

Well I am a seventeen year old who grew up in a very good home with a wonderful family. I was raised LDS. Well in my family I was absolutely the "different" one. I could never just listen and learn from my parents or my three older sisters. I was the rebel of my family. Well you want to know how good that did for me? Well not only am I seventeen, but I am also 8 weeks pregnant. Cool huh? Oh. That's not so cool? Well that's me the rebellious pregnant seventeen year old. Well anyway now I have to make the most important, yet awful decision ever. I could live a hard life and raise my precious baby… or I could give my baby to a family that wants and can take care of my baby. Did you read in that sentence the word “my”… my baby? A mother is God in the eyes of a baby. That baby is so innocent and will be so new to the world that it can’t make choices on it’s own yet. That’s why a baby has a mother. A mother should care for that baby and love it. I want to be the mother of this child. I can’t see myself giving it up. I know I should. When I decided to give up my spot in EFY my heart broke. My hormones went crazy! I couldn’t stand the fact that I just gave my spot away. I couldn’t get it back. It was gone. I freaked out over something as little as stupid EFY… how the heck am I supposed to give up my own fresh and blood. The light of my life. The best and the worst thing to happen to me.

Pregnant reactions (up to 8 weeks):I have thrown up a lot and foods such as sour patches are NOT good anymore.Emotions are going sky high and I cry… and cry… and cry…
May 22 I weighed 127 and now I weigh 118… I need to eat!No food besides Campbell Chicken Noodle and Vegetable soup sounds good to me.
My chest I TENDER and growing like crazy! Heck I’ve been able to fit in my little sister’s bras!

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