Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I can’t believe that on my wedding I lost the tape of Lily’s birth. I just can’t myself get over it. That was the most important tape I ever owned… far more important that any video of my childhood. I can’t stand myself for losing such an important part of Lily, Chris, and my life. I mean Lily is so olds now and can do so much, and the only thing I have are pictures that don’t do it justice. I would give up every memory of my childhood for all of hers. I just can’t stand myself right now. Regardless of all the crap that happened during that time, there was just too much to love. I could just scream right now! Now I think I lost the one of Chris saying goodbye to us when he was going off to basic. If I haven’t lost it I think it might be destroyed. Am I not supposed to remember her time as an infant? She’s turning one in about a month and I don’t have a single video of her. I am so depressed I can’t stand it and Chris in FTX so I can’t see, speak, or write to him for 10 days. I need him so much right now. I want to somehow come across those videos and have them all back. All those memories. The videos with me Pregnant. I Love Lily so much .

Monday, November 26, 2007

Snow in AZ???

only in the mountains...

Lily wasn't a HUGE fan of actually sitting in it...

We took the air out of our bed... lily loved it!

until she got scared...

OH and Lily can get off the bed the right way! She turns out self around at the edge and the kicks her way off.
so cute!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Black friday and Lily's outfit!

oh and I think everyone needs to update.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The O'Neal thanksgiving

Today was the weirdest thanksgiving... ever. Lily LOVED it. We decided to treat her. So for breakfast she got...

Oh and she got to watch her morning shows and had a "only FUN" bath!
(no lame cleaning)

Then I SLAVED in the kitchen! We ended up having grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup! EVERYTHING WAS CLOSED!!!

My hair...
Thanks for the birthday money Family!!

overall it was nice spending time with my family... but i miss everyone!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Monday, November 05, 2007

oh yeah!

Lily says momma and dada

she rocks!


How could I have done my math wrong? How could I be so stupid? I thought I was completely on top of things and then something like this happens. Chris and I both have credit scores over 700, and now who knows! I subtracted wrong and put WAY too much money in my in credit and paying off my car... and in the calculator I subtracted rent!... I don't know what happened! So if I give them a check and I don't have that amount right now, what happens when it bounces? Mom is WONDERFUL and is helping me out this month and I will pay her back on the 15th, but if they've already took the check to the bank and it bounces... what happens?

pointless contests

All the army wives when their men are deployed usually learn how and open myspace layout sites. Well lots of times they have contest to win things like a personalized layout, dog tags with yall picture and name in it, things like that. Well right now I'm in one for cutest costumes on your kids. You can only vote a few times, and only once on yourself. Well there's about 30 people who entered. This one kid in kid sized ACU's is winning so far with 14 votes and i'm in second with 11! I'm so excited! I've never been second place!!


Friday, November 02, 2007

my first halloween


Bath time!

I was a beautiful butterfly. I love my outfit i didn't want mom to take it off of my when it got too cold for it. My favorite part was playing with my pink tutu mom made me. She took lots and lots of pictures of me, but they weren't the best ones ever... they didn't do me justice.