Sunday, September 05, 2010

Crazy day!

First off, let me say that today was GORGEOUS! It was just so nice! So I called my mom and sister and forced them to go to the park with me. I really wanted to go outside and walking sounded like something I should do now that my to-do list was finished! I was ready for Grayson! So we played at the park for a little while (more like the sandbox!), then Natalie and her kids left, and Chris came. So my mom, Chris, my kids, and I walked around the park for awhile. It was really nice! After I got home I was anxious for Gray, so Chris and I went on another walk, ordered me some Eggplant Parmesan (which I took one bite of and almost threw up), and a few other little things to naturally induce labor. My favorite was the foot massage Chris gave me!! Anyway by the end of the night I was having contractions, so we headed to the hospital. My contractions were 3 minutes apart, but I was only dilated to 3 cm (I need to be 4cm) so they had me walk for an hour. It didn't seem to help so they send us home. By that time, I was ready to go home. I forgot what it was like to go to the hospital when in labor, and now I think I can wait a little longer. But it was a crazy day. Sorry for the false alarm facebook!!

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