Sunday, December 30, 2012


2013 Goals
-Read the entire Standard Works!!!!
-Do atleast one act of service a day
-Keep up with the laundry and dishes
-Eat out less (twice a month once as a fam and one as a date!) (and special occasions)!)
-Start a workout routine (atleast twice a week!)
-Run a 5k(or two, or three ;))
-Make healthier choices 
-Become a better FRIEND
-Read more books and watch less TV!
-Share the gospel more
-Keep the Sabbath Day Holy every Sunday!
-Project 365 (and Project 52 challenge)
-Never let work come first.
-Change wake-up time from 7am to 6am!
-Improve on handwriting and vocabulary

I have written my game plan and found ways to keep me accountable.  Let's see how the year goes!  Last year I accomplished all my goals but one, and I'm on a never-stop-trying-to-better-yourself mode.

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