Sunday, November 23, 2008

baby update 2- 11:55 pm

The monitors
I'm SO hungry, Chris is DEAD asleep and these contractions are getting a little worse. I'm really tired but there's no way on earth I'll be able to fall asleep! My back is KILLING ME! I forgot how much i hate labor! Seriously... death. Earlier I heard this woman screaming at the top of her lungs... she sounded like she was on her death bed... and then I heard her stop and then the only thing I could hear was a sweet baby crying. It scared me at first, but the baby reminded me of the mission I'm on. I wish Chris would wake up and keep me company, but he really should get some sleep. WOW this baby wants out!


Tonya Williams said...

Hey friend! I'm loving the updates! I'm going to stay awake as long as I can! Do you have yahoo messenger or AIM?

Anonymous said...

ya labor sucks i remember with Josh That is why i like the whole knock me out I dont wanna feel a thing bit!!