Saturday, November 29, 2008

At the hospital

I'm at the children's hospital right now and the nurses are changing shifts so I suppose I should update since I have a few free minutes. I got to hold Austin twice the day he was born and even those were really short periods. It's really hard seeing your baby all tubed up and there's nothing you can do to comfort him. He just looked so miserable! I wanted to hold him and just fix everything. Well today I got to hold him nonstop! They let me hold him, feed him, change his diapers...! I felt like his mom and I knew that he knew me. Today was overall a good day. All his tubes are off now except for a tube in his nose (just in case he doesn't eat well) and an IV in his hands. They're preparing him to come home with me for a while so he can grow for his surgeries that are coming up. They told me that Austin will atleast have 3 open heart surgeries. I don't know how I will handle it when that time comes, but as of now all I'm going to worry about is getting him bigger so the surgeries can be more successful.
Seriously I know Austin is a cute little baby and everyone wants to see him, but I can't chance him getting sick, and I don't want people around much. Not right now. My stress and emotion level is not at it's best and we're just not up for visitors. And we don't need extra help right now. I don't want to come off as mean, but Austin is my baby and his health is priority right now. Natalie will be updating for me when I can't, so if you want an update... check my blog. Chris and I are busy and don't have time for all this socializing that the whole world seems to want. And don't get mad at us if we don't respond to your calls like I said before Austin is our priority.
As for Lily, she is handling this situation like a champ. My mom is taking care of her and she is doing great. I can't wait till she FINALLY gets to meet her baby brother... I know she'll love him... sometimes. I think this will be hard on her, but now she's not an only child so it was going to happen sooner or later. I just hope she doesn't bite him.


Anonymous said...

She'll probably bite him, but he will survive it. She isn't Renesme :). I am so glad you get to bring him home for a few weeks. Once his surgeries are done, Lyle and I are planning a trip to Georgia. I am so excited to see Aussie-roo!!!

Anonymous said...

This is what I did with Josh when I had Hope I got him a baby doll and everything to go with her so when i fed changed anything with Hope Josh would with his baby it really helped alot and he had fun with it made him feel big i guess. I understand how you feel and want/need to protect Austin from illness and Agree with you. I know it has to be hard for you. But you have a great little family there and you will handle it all. Just please take it all 1 day at a time and take a bit of "amy" time everyday.
Aunt Dena

Lyle said...

Amy, Congratulations on Austins birth. I am glad to hear that he is better than expected. I was also glad to hear that he was going to come home soon. I'm sure that's a real treat for you. Congratulations again.