Wednesday, October 08, 2008

home sweet home

I love being at my parent’s home. No matter where I go my parents house will always be the most comfortable place. I love being able to just relax without feeling uptight and in the way. I love being able to leave if I need to. I love being able to just open the fridge and eat whatever. Home just has a nice feeling.
Last night mom made me Hawaiian haystacks and brownies for my birthday! I was SO happy, because I had kind of thought that everyone forgot. We opened a few gifts and then we all went to bed, because we were all exhausted.
I definitely feel at peace here.
Also if you didn't notice on Nat's page, Lily has her ears pierced!
It's so cute on her!!!!


Natalie Putnam said...

She looks so cute with her little earings. I am so happy that you are "home" I feel the same way everytime I go to moms house.

BTW - We didn't forget about your birthday, we just didnt know when or where to send the gifts :)

Emily Christiansen said...

I love being at mom and dad's also. It is a very comfortable place to be.

Hayley McCoy said...

She just has to be the most adorable little girl I have ever seen!