Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Our application got approved and so on October 31st we will officially be in our new home!! They approved all of our requests and we got them to both give us one month’s rent free and they went down on their rent price! We’re allowed to paint and make all the changes we want to make the place. I’m so excited to have this nice, big home for the next few years! I hope we make some great memories in it! I’m getting more and more excited for our new future, our growing family, and now our new home. I hope Lily and Austin enjoy the next few years in Atlanta!


Emily Christiansen said...

Congratulations! I am sure when you are done painting a decorating it will be so cute. You will have to post lots of photos.

Jason and Jessica Bills said...

Yeah! That is so exciting! I can't wait to see pictures of it.