Tuesday, November 22, 2011


So Austin's birthday is on Thanksgiving Day this year... this is the first birthday without him. Since he's turning three, one of the things we're doing it a balloon release. We are each letting go of three balloons this year. Anyone who wants to do that as well is more than welcome.

I didn't want his funeral to be depressing, I wanted to celebrate his life instead so we did a birthday party theme (it was beautiful), we had a banner with his name, TONS of balloons, and tried our best to keep it a joyous day to celebrate him instead a depressing day. We talked about how fun he was, we sang our own version of Black Bird (Red Bird), and tried to keep it uplifting. At the cemetery we did a HUGE balloon release with over a 1000 balloons and it was a beautiful and surprisingly peaceful moment. I want to keep that same mentality for his birthdays too.

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