Chris and I got in a fight last night. Actually in wasn’t a fight at all. Chris basically broke up with me and explained and I listened and cried. He told me that I was a child and that his 7 year nephew seems older than me in his actions. He told me I was really irresponsible and needed to grow up. He said all I do is whine and try to get others to do all the work for me. We discussed how I don’t clean my room, do my own laundry, make my own meals, wake up or go to bed at a decent time, or do even any basics around the house. Then on the top of it, I quit my job without having another job to fall back on. He basically told me that at this point in my life I should have those things just be habits and be doing more things to better myself. He told me that I was selfish and didn’t care about others as much as I cared about myself. He basically told me everything my mom has been telling me for the past 5 years. You know what? He’s right. It took someone else telling me for me to finally understand that I’m almost 18 and need to start making steps into adulthood. So last night I made myself dinner, cleaned the kitchen, picked up the guest room, brushed my teeth and cleaned my face, and took my vitamins. Then this morning, so far, I got up at 7:30, cleaned up the clothes in my bedroom, ate a good breakfast in the morning, cleaned and vacuumed the family room, and have just been doing what I need to do to grow up a little. I hope this time becoming responsible actually sticks. I told Chris that I really needed to hear all of that and to please give me one more chance, because I had given him plenty. He agreed. When I woke up my parents were thanking Emily for cleaning up the kitchen… wow I guess that I really do need to make this change!oh by the way, I used that Veet shaving cream stuff today and it worked! I really like that stuff! It irritated my skin for about 5 minutes and then it was amazing! I absolutely recommend it!