I’ve been meaning to get a hold of everyone to thank them for the WONDERFUL birthday gifts. But Although Lily LOVED her birthday yesterday and today we aren’t doing so hot. The night of her birthday we both got really sick. I’m constant throwing up, and using the restroom. I’ve been running a fever, although it’s not as bad today. Lily has been having lots of poopy diapers. Neither of us have eating really anything!
Oh and just so all of you know, I don’t know where my cell is. So if you’ve been trying to call me… call the house. Plus I never use it anyway! But it has all of yalls numbers in it, so without it I don’t know anyone’s numbers so you’ve got to call me! I’m not purposely ignoring anyone!
I got my hair done!
Toned, Highlighted, and cut.
at a cosmetologist college!!