Thursday, April 30, 2009

Army venting

I guess I’m just a little upset, because before we were told Chris wasn’t leaving till the 18th.  They’ve been stringing us along and I honestly never know when he’s going, because the plan is always changing.  I kind of wish he would have left back in March so it wouldn’t have caused all this stress.  But seriously I’ve loved this extra time with Chris.  Well now they say he’s leaving on the 8th.  But he has to go in and work on Saturday… OUR LAST WEEKEND!  Plus since the change of command is this week he has to go into work next week.  I just believe they’re sending him just because of his dwell time when we told them that the cardiologist TOLD US that Austin’s surgery will prob. be in June or July!  I mean seriously!  This is a compassionate reassignment for AUSTIN and they send him away right when we need him here?  They could wait till October for the next rotation.  I just don’t think his command is all on board.  It’s like there is no communication at all! 
Anyway I’m really going to miss my hubbyboo


Emily Christiansen said...

I would be upset if I was in your situation, also. I think they should find things for Chris to do here close to home at least until Austin has made it through his first year. I am sorry you are having to deal with all of this. Just think, though, in 6 months it will be all over with.

Love you!

Karen said...

You should look at the bright side. You've had a lot more time with Chris than probably any other Army wife out there. You are so fortunate that he hasn't been deployed before now and that his deployment will only be 6 months. And he'll be home in time for Christmas! Also, he won't be on the front lines like so many other men and women. I think you and Chris are super lucky!