Thursday, April 02, 2009


I’m coming out of the closet… I, Amy O’Neal, am a compulsive shopper.

I am ADDICTED to online shopping. If I had enough credit I would max out a credit card with a million dollar limit within weeks! I’m that bad off. It’s like I can’t help it. It’s a true addiction… one that I need help with. If I’m on the computer (even if I’m on MySpace, facebook, or blogger) I WILL be on some kind of store site. I used to blow money left and right on the most ridiculous things. Well lately I’ve been handling my addiction by online window shopping. I go to my sites put EVERYTHING I like in my bag and once I get to my bag I usually have over $300 worth of crap. So of course I never buy. I always manage to talk myself out of it, and now I just remind myself that we are paying off the car and I’m just looking for fun!

Well now I’ve found my answer. These free giveaway sites have become my haven. The more I try to win these free prizes, the less I online shop. I still have a chance to get new things without it coming out of my pocket! Plus you have to work so hard leaving trillions of comments that you don’t have time to shop! So now if I’m on the computer I’m trying to win a contest, giveaway, or Swag Bucks!

I’m still sick, but atleast it’s not affecting my bank account!!
Oh and The Cullens are playing some baseball tonight near my house!!


Tonya Williams said...

The Cullens?? Can I just admit that I finally bought that book after watching the movie. I'm in LOVE! But I have to disagree with one of your posts a long time ago, I think the guy that plays Edward is a FOX! :) Phew, now I've admitted that I bought the book..I feel better.

Emily Christiansen said...

I am a shopaholic also, but more so at the mall than online. It takes too much work to enter my credit card and address and I end up hardly ever buying anything online... thank goodness. I love getting free stuff, as long as it is cute and not something to just add clutter to my house :). Once I won $50 worth of stuff from That was rockin!

Emily Christiansen said...

Also... you should look into entering sweepstakes. I know my friend's parents have won LOTS of free stuff doing that.

AP Mommy said...

I loooove to shop and online shopping it's the WORST for books for me. Seriously dangerous!

Stopping by from Two of a Kind's blog to tell you about a giveaway over on my blog The A-Priori Mommy! Stop by and participate!