Sunday, February 12, 2012


Today in church we learned about Testimony and that in order to have ours grow we need to Pray, read the Scriptures, and do.  And that we need to share our testimony.  And I decided to share my blog with them, I just told them that although I don't have a super strong Testimony yet, I've been sharing my experience via this blog.  I told them how amazing is it that people have contacted me that I didn't even know read my blog, telling me how either they're now inspired to find their testimony, or just how much they love reading about me finding mine.  As I was saying that, it's like the Spirit was in my body.  I can't explain it, I just felt so warm.  It felt so nice to just realize that this blog has become bigger than just me.  It has inspired others as well to find their way spiritually.  I just hope that even if you don't believe in the Book of Mormon, that you will at least try to find YOUR testimony in whatever faith you have.  This experience has and still is changing my life so much... for the better!  I feel so much more love and happiness than before.  Even though this blog is for me and my experiences, my path to gaining my own testimony, and my hardships, it's really nice that it has touched others as well.  Maybe we can all find our ways together. :)

Side note- Church today was wonderful. :)


Sabrina said...

This blog is very inspiring!!! And I think you are very courageous to share your journey!!!! <3

Sabrina said...

This blog is very inspiring!!! And I think you are very courageous to share your journey!!!! <3