Friday, March 14, 2008


In 1000 dollars, well $1010.53 both Chris and my credit cards will have a balance of $0.
So basically we are almost debt free besides our car which we’ll have paid off pretty much never. Anyway I was excited to find that out! Well that’s our balance before we go buy our new furniture, decorations, traveling Europe, and everything else that will put us more into debt! Anyway as long as I keep our cards Combined UNDER 1500 I’ll be happy.


Emily Christiansen said...

Thats great, Ams. It was an awesome feeling to have our credit cards paid off. Now we make sure we pay them off completely at the end of each month so we don't pay any interest. It is nice to feel like we don't owe anyone anything.

Anonymous said...

That is so cool amy. Being out of debt rocks!!!


Olivia said...

Good for you ams!

Dena said...

I wish I could do that!! congrats to you guys.