Baby BOY
So I was right! We're having a little baby BOY! Chris got to get off work to come find out with me! Lily loved seeing her little brother... and kept pointing at him! Oh and OF COURSE they took a gallon of blood again. It's their favorite thing to do! I got my blood work from last visit back and I'm very healthy and so is the baby! Oh and today I made ALL my appointement from now until a week after my due date so they won't screw me over again like they were about to this month. Also I found out that when I have the baby I'll get my own room for the delivery part but afterwards I have to go into a room with someone else! They SHARE rooms out here! They'll be a curtain keeping us apart, but that's not enough. I COULD have my own room for an extra 100 EURO A DAY!!! Yeah right! I will just share... I guess it's all apart of having a true belgian experience.
Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to tell Shel!! Congratulations!!! Love ya kid
omg amy that so great. Im excited for you. I bet chris if really excited!!!
Congrats Amy, that is very exciting. So I guess that means Chris is naming the baby?
Yea for little boys! That is so fun. Congrats to you and Chris!
Yay! Congratulations! 3 nephews and 2 nieces... I guess that means when I have a baby I need to have a girl to even it all up :)
That is sooo cool. Lily is going to love having a brother. I am so excited for you!!!
congratulations! i was hoping you had a boy!!!
Amy!!!! I am so so excited for you!! You were right! Its funny how you just knew!! I guess thats motherly insticts huh!!! Congrats I am so happy:) Love you
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