Friday, June 20, 2008

stupid dreams!

I hate when I watch a movie and fall asleep around 9 and then wake up WIDE AWAKE at 1! I've always done that and it's so weird! When I fall asleep during the day and wake up later in the day I'm always still tired. I've always been like that I suppose.

Anyway right before I woke up I was dreaming that I was with my family in Utah. My mom, dad, sisters, and family from my mom's side were there. We were all around the table eating turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, rolls, and lynn wilson burritos. There was more to my dream, but that was the only part that affected my wake up! I woke up SO thirsty! Then SO hungry! I'm still hungry and I ate chicken nuggets and just things in the fridge. Ugh I could eat all that food from my dream. I'm NEEDING it now, but I'm not about to make a thanksgiving meal! But MAN I'm wanting one BAD! Seriously I'm dying right now. Nothing else will do! It has to be my mom's too! Anyway I got to stop typing before I DIE!


Anonymous said...

You should cook a crock pot turkey and make some mashed potatoes. It is really easy!


Emily Christiansen said...

Man, I know what it like to have to have a certain food and nothing else will do... it sucks! I hope your craving goes away soon.