Friday, February 22, 2008

Things are looking up!

We found a flight going to Madrid Spain in June for 7 Euro
I love how Lily sleeps like me!
At Grandmas the night before we left
Plane ride here

notice how the book is upside down
Yesterday at home before going grocery shopping with Tana

And OF COURSE a cute video :)


Anonymous said...

That's fantastic, Amy. Maybe you'll go to Spain after all. You are so lucky to have 3 years in Europe. I am sure by time you leave you'll have seen pretty much it all. You should plan little weekend day trips to the countries that are really close to you, like France, Germany, and England! I hope you make it to the beach a lot in the summer, since it is not too terribly far.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to see Lily. Thanks for keeping the pictures coming! Emerson is so cute. He gets more darling every day if that is possible. And since I know all you girls read the comments...THANK YOU for my birthday present...I LOVE IT! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are SOOOO CUTE!!!! Lily's hair is adorable.

Kenzie loves to shake her head no also. I wish they could be together to play again. Next time they see eachother they are going to be talking and driving us crazy.

I'm glad to hear you might be going to spain. You guys should try to travel a lot while you are there.


Tonya Williams said...

I love the pic of her where she's yelling! hahah And the video makes me wann kiss her little face!! I miss ya'll so much!!

Olivia said...

Lily is so cute!!!!! I miss her, and you, I

Anonymous said...

so cute !!