Sunday, July 27, 2008

fun weekend

This weekend was really fun. I finally got out of the house and enjoyed myself! Friday night was my new friend, Kristen’s birthday party. So we went out and hung out with all her friends. She’s really nice. I met a lot of cool people. Then on Saturday night I went to see Dark Knight with a couple friends and I LOVED it! I thought that Heath Ledger was incredible! The way he laughed and then yelled was SO CREEPY! And we bumped into a bunch of people we knew. It’s amazing how many people you see when you actually leave your house! Then today Chris and I went and hung out with our neighbors and they had a little BBQ. It was really relaxing after such a busy weekend. Anyway I enjoyed my weekend A LOT!


Anonymous said...

Amy. I am glad you had fun. You are such a social girl. I can't remember the last time I went out with "friends" I just think it is really cool.


Jason and Jessica Bills said...

I am glad that you are getting out of the house. You are looking great!

Emily Christiansen said...

Guess what... our hair is the same color right now! I am glad you had a good weekend. We went and saw Dark Knight Saturday, also. It was super good. We loved it, too.