Wednesday, April 23, 2008

deja vu

I went to the grocery store today, because we had no more food in our house. BAD IDEA!! I was in and out of that bathroom and couldn’t buy like anything. It was TERRIBLE! It reminded me of that road trip to Utah when I threw up every 5 minutes! I came home and RAN to the bathroom. Lily is always so interested! She loves watching me throw up. Overall it’s been a pretty crappy day!


Emily Christiansen said...

It's kindof funny Lily likes to watch you throw up. I hope you aren't sick for too long. I remember that trip to Utah and how miserable you were.

sixpickychicks said...

Time for sorry!

Shan31772 said...

I'm sorry you're feeling so bad!

p.s. I've got something for you on my blog-maybe it'll make you feel better!;)

Shan31772 said...
Pretty simple really, just load your photo!

Jason and Jessica Bills said...

And you were worried that you weren't pregnant...That sucks that you are throwing up...but maybe you will get a second girl because of it :) I am excited for you to have your baby. If he/she s born the day after your due date, then the baby will share Uncle Jason's birthday and Pearl Harbor day.

Anonymous said...

SOOO SORRY AMY!!! I really wish you wernt sick.

Just try to eat crackers and get some sleep.
