Saturday, April 26, 2008

I REALLY want another girl

but my gut is still that it's going to be a boy.

I really don't mind having a boy, but I have such CUTE girlie things AND a name I want to use...

But the morning sickness from 1-10 is 3 where as with Lily it was 9.
And I'm just not feeling pregnant at all half the time.
I KNOW it's too early to tell but my guts on a boy.
I wish I could have all girls like my mom... and one boy for Chris and the last name

Lily has gotten more wild over night. I FEAR her turning two. Especially with an infant around.
I'm starting to think I'm not quite ready to be a mother of 2 yet... too late now!

1 comment:

Emily Christiansen said...

It is pretty crazy you are going to have 2 children and I don't even have one yet. I am excited to find out if it is a boy or girl!