Thursday, August 07, 2008

I'm SO tired!!!

Last night was seriously miserable for everyone. Lily went to bed at her normal time just to wake up an hour later. I don’t know if she was sick or just not tired, but it was crazy. At first I just kept putting her in her bed with a pacifier and then right when I would leave she’d start screaming and getting out of her bed to jump and scream. She was MAD! So eventually I went in there and turned on her Baby Einstein Classical Lullaby cd that we FINALLY got in the mail yesterday, and I rocked her on the glider. She laid there, but kept moving around. She couldn’t seem to get comfortable. So I tried putting her back into her bed and tried to leave again and the screaming began again. I decided she must just be needy tonight and I wasn’t planning on sleeping in her bed again so I brought her into ours. Lily couldn’t get comfortable and kept trying to climb on Chris to get in a good sleep position. So I ended up giving up on that idea. So the last thing I could think of was giving up and just sleeping in her bed with her. She just listened to the cd and couldn’t stop moving! She was so restless. After about an hour of that I decided to give her a warm bath. She was good in the bath and started looking sleepy so I tried just putting her to bed and going to my own. Well she went to sleep for about an hour and then started crying/screaming again. I don’t even think she went to sleep I think she was just listening to the music. So this time Chris had had it. It was 3 in the morning and he had to wake up in 1 1/2 hours. So he went into Lily’s room, brought her into my bed, and then he went downstairs on the couch to try to get a little shut eye. By this point I was desperate. I even made Lily a warm BOTTLE of milk. I haven’t given her a bottle in a LONG time. I put in stuff to help her digest food, because I thought her stomach might be hurting. Well it didn’t matter, because she wanted nothing to do with the bottle. She took like two little sips. So then I got some baby Tylenol and gave her that. Around an hour later she finally curled up and fell asleep. She was pushed up against me and I was nearly off the bed the whole night. She woke up probably once an hour throughout the rest of the night, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as early on. It was just a bad night.


Hayley McCoy said...

im sorry you had a bad night!

Emily Christiansen said...

Holy Cow! What a night. Hopefully tonight will be better.