Wednesday, September 10, 2008

i could scream

You know, one thing that I really dislike about Chris is his obsession about saving minutes. I understand that my cell phone is my only way to communicate and should be used for emergencies, but sometimes I just need to talk! I need to vent and to have my husband be there to just listen. I mean I can't just call up my mom at anytime. So the only other person who I like to vent to is Chris and he gets so upset if I call him at work for no GOOD reason. Well my GOOD reason is that I have a freaking lot on my mind and nowhere to put it. I need him to reassure me and to support me! I'm just so aggravated with everything today! Lily is annoying me, the fact that my mom isn't home makes me mad, and just everything! Today is just not a good day at all. Any sound at all, the tv, Lily's voice, the dog next door, ANY noise twists up my insides! I just need some peace and quiet!

1 comment:

Emily Christiansen said...

I have had those days and I know exactly what you are talking about. I get so stressed and emotional that my stomach is in knots and every little thing makes me mad or cry. I wish I could come and just talk and take care of Lily for you.