Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Bug!!!- 316

Today I was SOOO sick! I couldn’t get out of bed much at all! I think It’s the flu. I can’t stop throwing up and using the restroom! It’s so embarrassing with all these guests! But it is nice to have them as helpers. Well somehow Lily got out of our eye site and when we went looking for her she looked well made up. Yes she got into my make-up AGAIN! This is like the 4th time in the last 2 months. I really like putting my make-up on sitting in front of the mirror on the floor, but I think I may have to rethink that. I don’t buy cheap make-up so I always have to remember what my mom always says, “You can’t love THINGS when you have kids, because they WILL get destroyed… and you always have to remember that they’re just kids.”
Sorry I was way too sick to take a better picture.