Friday, February 13, 2009

Head strong- 322

Austin’s head is getting stronger and stronger everyday. I don’t have to hold his head at all anymore when I burp him or pick him up. He’s getting so big so fast! It’s making me sad.

I love how caring Chris is. Today I've been really sick and the plan was to get this house ready for guests, but instead of Chris getting upset he's been taking care of me. He let me sleep in and do absolutely nothing. I'm starting to feel better now, but I love that he's so sensitive to my needs.


Melissa said...

That second picture with his little smile is so adorable! You have such cute kids!

Megan said...

He is so ridiculously cute. I love his big good looking.

Jason and Jessica Bills said...

I can't believe how big he is getting. He is such a doll!!! I want to hold him.