Sunday, February 08, 2009

Lily's new bookshelf- 327

Lily's Grandma Bush gave Lily this bookshelf for her birthday and it's SO NICE to have a place to put her things now! Her room is actually clean. We've been having Lily put her toys away before bed every night also. Hopefully she'll develop some healthy cleaning habits!

I had to sneak in during Lily's nap to take the pictures, because Lily always naps during the best lighting.
I love that Chris will cook, clean, do the dishes and laundry, and just help around the house when I’m not up to the task. And even when I am he’s always there to be a helping hand. Plus he always takes care of Lily when he is home. He changes all her diapers, feeds her dinner, and helps me out in any way he can. He never complains and he offers so much help. I couldn’t do everything he does. He’s an amazing man!

1 comment:

Natalie Putnam said...

Cute pictures. I love how you organized the shelf. It looks great. Maybe we will have to come and play so the kids can practice cleaning!!!

Oh. Love all the new pictures on your blog. It looks great!