Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Time is so different without Chris here. Everyday is the same, there are no weekends. Like today I couldn’t figure out what day it was, but then I remembered I had gymnastics yesterday so it must be Wednesday. I used to wake up around 9 and wait till 5… when Chris gets home. Then on weekends I could sleep in and relax. Now everyday is a weekday… and a weekend. I mean it’s a weekday, but no matter what day it is I still have the same responsibilities. It’s a weekend, because I really don’t have deadlines anymore. The kids and I can take a whole day to just relax if we want. Time is just different. Yesterday we were tired and we all took naps. I woke up at 6:00 and I thought to myself that Chris would have been home an hour ago. It seems like time is… slower now. Instead of trying to get the whole house clean daily I’ve started doing one thing a day. On Monday I gathered and picked up all the trash in the house and took it outside, yesterday I did nothing but played with my kids and napped, and today I plan to do all the laundry in the house. It’s just weird now. I know I’ll get used to it and when Chris gets home it will be weird doing the 5 o’clock thing again. But I’m just trying to adjust for now.

1 comment:

Emily Christiansen said...

This is how my life seems now, working from home. All the days blend together.